We can deal with philosophical pipponi that last for hours and post on Instagram mens sana in corpore sano.
But we are all so here to have the turtle.
End of article.
Lower abdominals: yes or no?
That is: low abdominals do not exist. The rectus abdominis is a single muscle. It is its characteristic poligastria to make a distinction between high and low abdominals be perceived. The distinction is due to the sheath that covers the muscle.
The connective tissue in fact completely covers the abdominal rectum from the navel upwards, while from the navel downwards it covers only the front face.
“Below” is more connective tissue than tendon insertions. This is why it is more difficult to see gods sculpted low abdominals.
Ah: if you've been wondering for a few lines already, "polygastria" means that the muscle is divided by 3 or 4 transverse tendon insertions, which give it its characteristic tortoiseshell appearance.
Exercises for low abdominals
Due to the anatomical conformation of the muscle, there are two types of exercises for the abdominal rectum:
- those that bring the trunk closer to the pubis - are exercises for the high abdominals
- those that bring the pubis closer to the trunk - that is, the exercises that interest us here.
What are the exercises of the second type?
It is soon said:
- Reverse Cruch
- Leg raises
- Toes to bar
- Plank monopodalic
Why are they considered low abdominal exercises?
Simply because they put more stress on the muscle insertion area (which is found at the pubis) with respect to its origin.
A note on the execution of these exercises
- exercises for low abdominals ask for the synergistic action ofiliopsoas - is the main actor of these movements, which will then stabilize and compensate for the abdominal rectum.
If you feel bad in your back when doing these exercises, it is because the iliopsoas pulls on the lumbar vertebrae.
I promised you a secret
And I will be speaking.
Only that you will not be pleased to hear it.
The secret is this: the phrase that says that The abdominals are made at the table, it's true.
It is a concept that applies (obviously) also to the low abdominal. If you massacres of reverse crunches, if you consume toes to bar, if you watch every episode on Netflix doing planks and hoping to find you a quartered abdominal... you're off the road.
The abdominal muscles surface when body fat - which in this area, and especially in boys, is the so-called stubborn fat - He goes away.
And to make it go away, you have to work mainly on your diet.
That is, it does not mean that a developed abdominal will be more evident when your level of bodyfat will bring it to light.
Furthermore, a Low abdominal trained contributes to the solidity of the core: and we know how fundamental this is in CrossFit®.
You can then return to massacre yourself with reverse crunches.