THEamrap it is a door that leads you into a world of sweat, zero breath and exhausted energy ... and it does it in little, very little time.
Furthermore, for your desperation, amrap is extremely widespread, so much popular numerous WODs.
You do CrossFit? Well: be sure that an amrap will happen to you more often than you don't want.
What is an AMRAP?
AMRAP is an abbreviation that means "as many repetitions as possible" - as many reps as possible.
It is one of the most widespread metabolic workouts: we are in the realm of HIIT, i high intensity interval training, among which we also find the protocol Tabata and the EMOM, just to name a couple (the second one will surely have happened to you).
In a few, very few words, an amrap consists of a series of exercises to be repeated in rotation for a certain time interval.
This type of workout allows you to accumulate an impressive training volume and burn a lot of calories in a fairly short amount of time.
Benefits of amrap
- Record the number of repetitions it allows not only to evaluate progression, but also to define touchstones to test yourself during, for example, training cycles. Very useful in CrossFit.
- Increase in general fitness level. Precisely thanks to the volume of work - and the need to recover between one series and another - amraps allow you to strengthen movements, resistance and conditioning.
- Breathing improvement and repetition "step". They are two fundamental parameters for successfully completing an amrap, and without succumbing. Know how to listen to breath and heartbeat, e adjust their performance on these, it allows athletes with experience to dose their energy during the workout.
- Efficiency. It is the direct consequence of the previous point.
- Concentration e force of will. The psychological component of these workouts should not be underestimated. Such intense training also trains the head to face intense and prolonged efforts.
How to deal with it?
"Head down", it would be the right answer.
In reality, to successfully amrap and improve from time to time, it is important to learn about your body and manage energy, reps and breaks.
Breathing, heart rate, the muscular work, the concentration: they are pieces of a system that goes gradually calibrated to make us reach a higher number than the previous one on the blackboard.
Where are the amraps?
In many WODs. Generally, the amraps used in the CrossFit last for twenty minutes, and combine exercises with the barbell, free body and more cardio elements such as running and rowing.
Il WOD Cindy is one of the most classic training "cells":
for twenty minutes
- 5 tractions
- 10 push up
- 20 air squat
Another example? Georgia: 21 minutes of burpees (7 rep), push ups (11) and kettlebell swings (22), to be started with a single series of 65 sit-ups.