Turkish get up: using the kettlebell like the "ancient"
Today we are talking about a historical exercise, the Turkish get up. But before we start, a word of warning: old school strongman ...
Today we are talking about a historical exercise, the Turkish get up. But before we start, a word of warning: old school strongman ...
There is a whole category of fantastic, but almost neglected exercises: they are overhead carries. Let's see what it is. A...
Pure calisthenics. The human flag, or flag, is one of the most popular skills and, although not "extreme", it always gives ...
The posterior chain. The quadriceps. The isolation of the heads of the biceps. And the snatch. And the balance. And the explosive force. The...
It seems a world full of errors, that of the weight room - and its equipment. Don't do this, don't do ...
Symmetry, guys: symmetry. One of the classic mistakes that can be made in training is that of asymmetry. And asymmetry, in the world ...
The expression kettlebell flow might leave you doubtful. But what if I told you "barbell complex, but instead of the barbell there is the kettlebell"? ...
Rather, here's what you don't need, to train powerlifting style at home: you don't have to have parquet you don't have to have ...
This short article is for anyone who doesn't have a home gym. Given that, in my opinion, the right / duty to home gym should ...
Some more, some less, we've all been there. The atmosphere is that of romanticism, of the table for two in a corner ...
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