Do you still remember the feeling of soreness and muscle pain what do you feel when you finish an intense workout in the gym or in the garage? Here, today we see together some techniques to alleviate this "suffering”, The notorious doms!
But what are doms?
I DOMS they are a delayed onset muscle soreness; it was once thought to be caused by an accumulation of lactic acid, but today we know that the latter is being disposed of 2 or 3 hours later training, while doms also arrive 24/48 hours later.
Another myth to dispel is that which connects the doms to the small muscle lacerations caused by the workout; muscle damage is only one cofactor of the onset of doms!
When we feel post-workout pain, it is not only the muscle tissue that is damaged, but also the nerve cells of our neural system. This inflammatory mechanism invokes immune cells; that's why the late onset of doms and their disappearance 3 days after.
Techniques for reducing doms
The microtraumas caused by training trigger reparative and adaptive processes that make the damaged tissue ready for the same stimulus and therefore the muscle is strengthened!
The doms, therefore, must not worry us or frighten us, but we all know how disabling it is not being able to climb the stairs or get stuck in a chair because you cannot get up ...
1. Make movements with maximum joint flexibility
Not implementing the movement that makes us feel pain, will cause us to tend to avoid it; this protective mechanism will lead to reduced mobility and stiffening of the tissues.
Also, performing the full joint movement, despite the pain, will increase blood circulation, reducing the doms faster.
Will it hurt? Yes, but it's for your sake!
2. Sauna and cold shower
If you have the chance, the alternation of hot / cold it can be very beneficial to doms; by exposing the body to extreme heat for 10 minutes, we will create vasodilation, which will lead to a greater flow of blood to the surface.
If, soon after, we expose the body to cold temperatures, the blood will move to deeper tissues. This procedure can be repeated several times throughout the day, but not immediately after training, because, as we have seen, the doms appear later.
3. Aerobic activity
make a aerobic cool-down promotes the disposal of some molecules involved in inflammation; better to prefer light activities such as brisk walking or a bit of an exercise bike rather than running.
Remember that a little aerobic activity is fundamental as warming up before each workout: the temperature of the muscles and the progressive activation limit the microtraumas.
4. Relaxing massages
Un relaxing massage it is able to reduce the swelling and soreness of the areas most affected by the doms.
Generally the doms are concentrated in the major muscular districts, such as legs, shoulders, back and arms, areas where, fortunately, it is easier to intervene with localized manipulations.
And do you have any secret technique or grandma's remedy for these annoying pains? Let us know in the comments!
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