Lo squatting is one ofthe fundamental exercises for building muscle mass and force in the lower part of the body; Although the traditional squat is a complete and essential exercise, it is good to try different variations, both for strength and for the prevention of injuries. injuries.
Despite the many advantages of the traditional squat, this exercise can cause various injuries, especially to the lower back and knees; The dumbbell goblet squat helps relieve back tension while maintaining focus on the quads and glutes.
Goblet squat vs traditional squat
Let's see the main differences between the traditional squat and the goblet squat:
- In the goblet squat, the load is represented by a dumbbell or kettlebell ì, held with the hands in front of the collarbones, therefore in an anterior position, further forward than in the traditional squat.
- In the goblet squat the torso is held even more upright
- With the same load, the goblet requires greater strength and endurance in the thoracic extensors and core
- The goblet squat allows for a deep squat with less stress on the back than the traditional squat
- The goblet is suitable for beginners as the load cannot be too heavy.
How is the goblet squat performed?
- Take the dumbbells or a kettlebell and place them against your chest (where they should remain throughout the movement)
- Breathe in and squat back to full squat, keeping your core taut and torso erect.
- Work your way up through your heels to the starting position.
Muscles involved
The goblet squat is a useful exercise for mobility and strength, with a focus on the glutes, thighs and quadriceps; in order to carry it out correctly, good mobility of the posterior kinetic chain is required. The muscles involved are:
- Quadriceps
- Buttocks
- Core
- Dorsal
- Abdomen
- Oblique abdominals
- Diaphragm
- Posterior deltoids
- Rotator cuff
Advantages and disadvantages
- Allows greater mobility of the hips and ankles
- It allows to make the core more stable
- It is simple to learn
- It can be performed anywhere
- High loads cannot be used
- Good mobility is required especially on the ankles, knees and back.
How to add the goblet squat to your workout routine?
The goblet squat can be added to the weekly leg session along with traditional squats, lunges and deadlift, or, it can be incorporated into a full body workout along with rows, chest presses, plank and take off.
Common mistakes
There are two common mistakes when performing this exercise:
- The torso does not stay upright: if the core strength and flexibility of the ankles are lacking, the torso tends to lean forward during squatting
- The knees push in and not out - this is a common mistake for all types of squats, leading to the risk of injury.
And did you know this exercise? Have you already included it in your workouts? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our telegram channel