The Omega 3 are undoubtedly one of the most known nutrients among fans of integration and nutrition, because of the multiple benefits that contribute to health.
They are classified as essential fatty acids, that is, they cannot be synthesized by the body and, therefore, must be obtained through food.
The types of Omega 3
The three most important types of Omega 3 are:
- EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid);
- DHA (docosahexaenoic acid);
- ALA (alpha-linolenic acid).
THEEPA and the DHA they are forms of animal origin (the best sources are krill and cold sea fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon) and can be used immediately by our body.
- ALA instead they are from vegetable origin and require conversion before they can be employed. The latter are present in abundance in the oil seeds (walnuts, flax seeds, Chia seeds).
Good nutrition is characterized by a balance between omega-6 (other fatty acids) and omega-3, which should be kept in a 4 ratio: 1, according to the lines international guide.
Le Western diets instead, with a reduced intake of fish and increasingly oriented towards the consumption of vegetable oils and fats (contained in pre-packaged and industrial foods such as snacks, crackers, biscuits, etc.) register a ratio of about 10: 1, far from the ideal values.
Those who fail to at least insure themselves two to three servings of fatty fish per week, could consider an integration with Omega 3 from fish oil, favoring certified products IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) and obtained by molecular distillation.
This purification process greatly reduces the presence of contaminants, heavy metals and other impurities normally present in fish oil.
Sport activity
In addition to being useful to the general population - especially on the cardiovascular and cognitive front - Omega 3s also seem to offer a valid support for athletes.
Some studies have indeed documented the benefits, both in terms of health and performance. Here are the most important:
- According to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, taking fish oil for 35 days improved sports performance. reducing reaction times and of levels of stress and anxiety in sportsmen who had taken the supplement compared to the control group.
- Various researches confirm the fact that a regular intake of EPA / DHA contributes to reduce inflammation levels. Those who practice sporting activities are more subject than others to inflammatory states, both at a local level (injuries muscles and joints) and general.
- A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport documents a improvement of lung function in athletes. The Omega 3 in fact have a protective effect against the onset of bronchospasm due to intense and prolonged workloads.