Eating gluttony and burning fat at the same time seems like a contradiction, but it can happen that the constant maintenance of a given caloric intake leads to a metabolic adaptation and slow down or stop the process of reaching theobiettivo desired.
To avoid this, some athletes are even ready to resort to drugs, but more often than not this means taking unjustified risks.
Actually, you can get back on track with a trick:
occasionally eat something you like and that exceeds the calories of your nutritional regime, to give your metabolism a boost.
To prevent this pleasant interruption from becoming the beginning of the end and turning into an uncontrolled increase in weight, it is important that it "snack lash-metabolism"Follow certain rules:
1) Schedule snack throughout the week. If you have faced a period of food sacrifices, the risk is to lose control, so the secret is to establish how and when to "tear".
2) It may seem strange to you, but it is better to eat these snacks outside the home, possibly in the gym. When you're at home, it's easier to let yourself go and get over the limit.
3) Snack delicious it is not equal to caloric bomb. A sweetened drink is fine, but only if you really like it, otherwise it is better to avoid it. For the rest, choose something that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also your appetite, for example a gelato, milkshake a fruit salad with cream or pasta dish.
4) The "waking" snack can also be used by those who struggle to adapt to the rigidity of a controlled diet and psychologically need to "tear up". Be careful though that the sgarro does not become a vice, otherwise you risk ruining all the work done up to that point.
5) The higher the percentage of subcutaneous fat, the less likely it is that you can give yourself a diet. When instead the has been reached the ideal weight, the snack can be introduced once a week.