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11 foods that energize and neutralize fatigue

Our body it works according to what we feed it with; the best way to get energy from food is to make sure of eat the healthiest and most wholesome foods possible. In addition to what we eat, we must also take into account WHEN let's eat!

Have you ever noticed how lazy you feel after a super binge? This is because the body is using energy for digestion; to avoid this sensation, it is preferable to eat smaller portions throughout the day.

But which are the best?


The hamburger with fries is the comfort food par excellence, but it is really lacking in nutritional values; processed foods are rich in preservatives, additives, sodium, trans fats and artificial ingredients, which are harmful metabolism and organism [keep it for cheat day 😉]


The fresher the food, the more nutrients it will contain; unlike processed foods, fresh foods contain far more nutrients. Eating seasonal fruit and vegetables means eating wholesome products that ripen naturally.


La caffeine okay if taken with extreme restraint; although it does provide a short-term burst of energy, it does not actually energize the body.

If you do not provide your body with healthy meals and snacks, you will always feel tired, even if you drink caffeinated beverages; and if you really can't do without it, opt for unsweetened black coffee or tea.


Red meat vs white meat: what does an athlete choose?

Red meat adds saturated fat to your diet; leaner meats such as chicken, turkey and fish provide protein quality, but contain less fat.

The only exception: fish with a high content of fatty acids omega 3, such as tuna and salmon, which provide fats that are good for heart health.


I refined carbohydrates, as it is cup sugar and white flour, add very little nutritional value; choosing whole foods helps you get all the benefits of the wheat shell, which also adds extra fiber to your diet.


La nuts or in shell and seeds are among the best foods that give energy and fight fatigue and hunger; Eating nuts and dried fruit during snacking can provide beneficial nutrients and help you arrive not too hungry at main meals.


The water è essential for the proper functioning of the body; although it does not provide energy in the form of calories, it helps facilitate the body's energy processes.

Search for always drink at least 2 liters of water a day and replace the other drinks with a nice glass of fresh water, your body will thank you.


If you follow a varied diet, you eat fruit and vegetables and do not deprive yourself of any macronutrients (i famous macros), you shouldn't need to take supplements; if not, however, you may want to consider taking extra vitamins.

Talk to your nutritionist or doctor to understand if you may need to take any supplements to improve your energy.


Le bananas give the same energy of a sweetened energy drink classic, but they are much healthier and more genuine!

They contain potassium, fiber, vitamins and the perfect amount of carbohydrates to provide you with a lot of energy; Plus, they're much cheaper than supplements and energy drinks, so never miss them on your grocery list.


Oats contains a lot of fiber and as well protein; it is very useful for those people who tend to have blood sugar spikes and drops.

It is a very versatile cereal and you can use it in your breakfasts to create excellent ones porridge and in your meals to prepare healthy and complete soups.


I Chia seeds they can be one optimal prolonged energy source thanks to their content of carbohydrates, good fats and fibers.

Sprinkle a tablespoon of chia seeds into your mid-morning yogurt or afternoon smoothie and you'll have enough energy to keep fatigue at bay.

And in your opinion which are the best foods that give energy? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our CrossFitters Telegram channel


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