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3 + 2 tips for training powerlifting

powerlifting tips

1. Do squats.
2. Do deadlifts.
3. Bench press.
4. Do more squats.

Finished article.

Powerlifting what a passion

Dunno, maybe sixteen powerlifting the average weight room user (or, for that matter, even functional training of some kind), maybe the two words aren't really associated.

Powerlifting is 50% life choice, for 50% obsession: it is the discipline that requires it of you.

It must be said, however, that if you decide to do a bit of powerlifting, you are not signing a lifetime contract, on the contrary. A few rounds of squat-bench-deadlifts done with your head will bring you undoubted benefits (provided you don't overdo it with the maximum limits). Above all, an increase in yours force – even mental.

Before you sign - pardon, before it starts your first PL card, I give you three tips.

First tip: focus on the technique

There is great satisfaction in keeping all the intravertebral discs in place.

Just as there is great satisfaction of the athletic and brutal gesture at the same time as a deadlift of 300 kg. Load up before getting on the platform (or entering the rack, or lying on the bench), entering the "zone" of maximum concentration, and taking the risk of a new PR. Grunts follow.

To get there, however, you need the technique:

Include in your card the technical sessions with light weights, perhaps having a good coach follow you.

Second tip: don't neglect the complementary exercises

Ok the three rises, but.

Your card must predict a healthy dose of complementary exercises, to

The last point sends us directly to the third council.

Third advice: do not skimp on nutrition

Powerlifting is not a sport for small stomachs. A large increase in strength corresponds to a large consumption of calories: there is little to do.

If you have trouble having a big breakfast why "In the morning mmmhhh I don't know if I like", you are on the wrong path. Your body needs gasoline, and lots of it.

I don't want to justify the massive abdominal masses of PLs you see in gym memes with this, but I can confidently say that powerlifting it is not a discipline to be done in a calorie deficit...

… Which is especially great if you just want to do a few training cycles (6-8 months). In short, you can give yourself a period of "justified" mass.

(And anyway, early bodybuilders were blasting on beers and gins, so something went wrong at some point)

Extra: 2 informal tips

There is all the fun behind being powerlifting that can sometimes escape those looking at us from the outside. Let's say that you become a little animal, when confronted day in day out with such heavy weights. And, in my opinion, it pays to fully immerse yourself in the character.


4 - The music

The music that accompanies your workouts must be adequate. Immerse yourself in death metal or in hard rock (preferably with shades southern).

5 - The environment

If you are here because you already do CrossFit®, you know that the environment in which you train can make a difference. For the powerlifter, the choices are mainly two:

Why old school gym? Because in many "commercial" gyms the grunts, the 300 kg barbells crashing to the ground and those bizarre faces you make when you take ammonia salts before a PR, they can scare zumba girls.


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