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5 tips to get your friends to try CrossFit®

True or not that all our friends who are not involved in the world of boxes and rockers they like to say that we are all in some kind of cult?

Which then, of course, we vehemently deny!

But on second thought: perhaps this statement is really true! Yeah, well, we don't sacrifice animals or anything like that, but:

Oh, and we always preach CrossFit® (yes, we do!). So, now that we've established that we're into the fitness cult, it is our duty as ardent followers to recruit our friends and family to join our cause.

Here are 5 tips to get your friends to try CrossFit ®:

1- Take a lesson together.

Your friends will be much more likely to try CrossFit® if they know there will be a familiar face in the class.

Depending on your friend's experience (and what the coach decides), he might already be able to join a normal class, if the WOD is simple.

Otherwise, it shouldn't be a big deal to accompany him to the trial lesson your stall offers to potential newcomers.

It's true that the moves can be simple and not that exciting, but if nothing else, you'll be able to challenge yourself to see how far you've gotten with the technique, while your friend tries out CrossFit® for the first time.

2- Present it to your coach and your box "family".

It is important to demonstrate that, even if you are in a “sect“, your coach and your teammates who follow the WOD are really good people.

Seeing all these people in the box, yelling and cursing and speaking in different languages ​​(EMOM? Who is this Fran talk about and why does everyone gasp when she's mentioned?), might be a bit confusing for your friend.

In fact, before throwing him in the lions' cage, it might be interesting to introduce the coach and your crew out of the box for a beer, and then start involving him in the classes!

3- Send him inspiring stories from other athletes

This is perhaps the coolest and most unique aspect of the CrossFit® community. How many stories do you personally know of someone who has struggled against adversity and achieved success thanks to CrossFit®?

We inspire and nurture each other in CF, whether they're adaptive, elite, or ordinary athletes. We are all equal and we really love the community for it.

This feeling is not found in any other sport or fitness program!! Tell your friend stories of who made it (athletes with disabilities competing at high-level competitions, for example), show him some videos of adaptive athletes getting busy and he'll get the idea right away!

4-Show him the photos of beautiful athletes

Surely you have come up with some good looking athlete from our sport. We had even made a list of the most beautiful women to follow (but also gods boys huh!).

So, maybe show him a couple of pictures of Tyler Christophel o Camille Leblanc-Bazinet and watch his reaction. He will certainly be amazed and you will be able to tell him: “The best way to become like this, my friend, is to do CrossFit®".

5-Win a bet / blackmail them / cheat them

If all else fails, you may have to resort to other "means" to get your friend to see the light. Honestly, it's for his sake!

So, this is your chance to be creative. Create a bet that if he loses, the result is trying CrossFit® for a week (then cheat and win the bet).

Do you have any incriminating messages, photos or videos (like all good friends should have)? Excellent! Use them as blackmail (not too serious) and take it to the box!

Anything is valid to bring your friend to the right side of reason.. you'll see, he won't be able to do without it afterwards!

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