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5 unexpectedly healthy foods not to throw away

You know the parts of some vegetables that we cut and throw away without even thinking? Here you have to be more careful about waste, because some are really healthy, rich in vitamins and antioxidants and can be reused; let's find out what they are!


The peaks of the broccoli they are not the only ones that can be eaten; Broccoli stems have a similar texture to asparagus and an even sweeter flavor than the tops; they are rich in vitamin C, involved in countless bodily processes, folic acid, potassium and manganese.

How to make broccoli stems: after cutting the tops, use a potato peeler or a sharp knife to clean the stems, slice them thin and use them raw in salads or to collect sauces or boiled and then seasoned with oil and salt.


Beets are the perfect example of a two-for-one vegetable; both bulbs and buds are edible and rich in nutrients; one cup of beetroot tops provides nearly double the recommended daily amount of vitamin K, a nutrient necessary for blood clotting and metabolism bone.

Beet bulbs are a little bitter, but they are rich in vitamin K, Vitamin A and vitamin C.

How to prepare beet bulbs: use boiled beets cut into thin slices in salads or omelettes; the bulbs are also excellent cut into small pieces and browned in a pan with oil and garlic.


Carrots, rich in vitamin A, should always be present in everyone's diet; the green tops of carrots are also edible, full of antioxidants and have a very pleasant taste reminiscent of parsley.

How to cook carrot tops: chop a few carrot tops and use them to dress salads, cold pasta, soups or omelettes; you can also use them as a base for a pesto or a chimichurri (Argentine green sauce to be used on meat).


Of course, seedless watermelon would be tempting to everyone, but it would lose a lot of nutritional values ​​that not everyone knows!

Like all seeds, those contained in watermelon contain many nutrients including the magnesium, necessary for the correct activation of vitamin D in our body.

How to use watermelon seeds: keep the watermelon seeds and toast them in the oven; you can then use them to dress salads, yogurt and to prepare energy bars at home


Mostly overlooked in favor of chard leaves, the stalks should be considered a vegetable in its own right.

They have a celery-like texture and sweet and sour flavor when eaten raw, but a softer texture and milder flavor when cooked.

The stalks of chard are a source of glutamine, an amino acid necessary for a strong immune system.

How to prepare chard stalks: chop the stems and sauté them in a pan with oil and garlic, add them to your salads, omelettes, soups or stews. They can also be thinly cut and put in brine, to be used as an appetizer or in sandwiches and sandwiches.

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