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5 WOD benchmarks to repeat to test your progress

It seems trivial to say: CrossFit® is a really demanding sport and requires a lot from our body. Everything starts from warm up, until you get to WOD actual: the moment where we give our best to get the best out of ourselves.

In addition to the usual WODs that we perform daily in the classes, there are a number of benchmarks that are usually run repeatedly over time, to test the evolution of the results compared to the previous time.

Since we are at the beginning of the year, what do you think of doing them again to sum up?

Attention: these WODs are suitable for courageous CrossFitters who want to challenge themselves and measure their ability, resistance and force 😛

5 wod benchmarks to repeat


This is undoubtedly the best known of HERO WOD of CrossFit®, which takes its name from Michael Murphy, a soldier who died in Afghanistan in June 2005, training in the desert in a heavy flak jacket to keep fit.

The WOD essentially consists of the complete 1 mile (1.610 meters) of running, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats and 1 mile of running in the shortest time possible with a 9 kg vest.

This is a challenging WOD, ideal for athletes with a high metabolic capacity and a penchant for gymnastics!


Un another of the most popular workouts among enthusiasts of CrossFit®.

This WOD helps aggain speed through a series of movements that work all muscle groups, with the goal of increasing heart rate and burning calories for the whole body.




Pull up

To be completed as fast as possible.

Fran WOD Weights

Boys can perform i thruster in RX at 42,5kg while the RX weight for women is 29kg.

It's not about excessive weights, because what we're looking for is a strong and constant pace where speed is a priority.

It is a workout suitable for beginners and easily scalable, so that all athletes can do it. It is possible to adjust the weight and do pull-ups with elastic bands, for example.

3. Helen

This workout was included in the famous list “The Girls WODs”. This WOD includes some traditional cardio and it's evil: you'll run out of energy and build up lactic acid – SAFE!


400m run

21 kettlebell swings

12 Pull-ups


This WOD consists in performing as many rounds as possible for each series (AMRAP), which means that it is possible to increase the degree of difficulty as you improve your fitness.

AMRAP 20 minutes

5 pull-ups

10 push-up

15 air squat

5. Annie

The secret to performing well in this benchmark is to perform the exercises as quickly as possible (with technique!).

Works with one reverse pyramid scheme, using two basic exercises that increase in intensity. THEThe advantage of this WOD is that you can use different exercises depending on the muscles you want to work.

50-40-30-20-10 reps per time

Double Under

Sit ups


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