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6 signs that you need supplements

The best way to get all vitamins, the minerals and necessary antioxidants, it's eating a nutritious diet, but that's easier said than done; indeed, one in ten people have a vitamin deficiency. Determine if you need to take supplements or not in case of vitamin deficiency it is complicated ...

The best thing to do is always contact your doctor and nutritionist to evaluate the situation together. Let's see now 6 signs your body can give you to find out if you need to see your doctor for the use of supplements.


You may have a shortage of biotin, a vitamin found in Whole grains, eggs, dairy products, nuts, salmon and chicken.

If you suffer from peeling skin and your hair and nails are thin, dull and brittle, then you should evaluate this vitamin deficiency.


If yours intestinal habits and functions have changed, you may be lacking in niacin: vitamin B3, found in fish, meat, eggs, nuts and green vegetables.

La pellagra, or niacin deficiency, can cause unpleasant complications such as bodily lesions that worsen on sun exposure and gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea or prolonged constipation.

Niacin helps our body with several functions:


You could be deficient in vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, papaya, yellow peppers, kale and strawberries.

Vitamin C it is not naturally produced from our organism and it is a lot a common deficiency.

This vitamin is a natural antioxidant, which helps protect cells from free radical damage caused by the environment we are exposed to (air pollution, smoke, ultraviolet light from the sun).

A vitamin C deficiency can cause increased bruising and red marks on the skin, as the blood vessels are weakened and, once broken, they lose red blood cells.


You could be deficient in vitamin B2, which is located in the milk, meat, eggs, nuts, fish and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin B2 deficiency, or riboflavin, leaves quite unmistakable marks such as very red eyes.

This deficiency is more common in underweight people, in subjects who follow extreme diets and in those suffering from celiac disease.

The body needs riboflavin for growth, general good health and to break down carbohydrates, protein and fats.


You could be lacking in football, found in milk, yogurt, dark vegetables, and almonds and chickpeas. A deficiency of this mineral causes bone weakening and constant fatigue.

Football is key to the bone and teeth health; in fact, the bones are subjected to a continuous remodeling process which involves the reabsorption and deposition of calcium in the new bone tissue.


You could be deficient in vitamin E, located in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables and eggs.

This vitamin is essential for our body and one of its main tasks is to slow down the aging process.

Although vitamin E deficiency is rare, it can occur more in people with Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, malnutrition and genetic conditions which affect fat absorption.

Have you ever had any vitamin deficiency ailments? Have you taken any supplements? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our Telegram channel

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