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6 things NOT to do in CrossFit®

Exercise regularly is one of better choices what you can do for your health; as well as get in shape and develop skills for daily activities, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes and heart problems.

La key to success is to understand and set specific goals and… work hard to reach them, better if combining physical activity with proper nutrition!

CrossFit® as a discipline use weight lifting exercises, Olympic gymnastics and metabolic conditioning activities (running, cycling and rowing) and is optimal for improving physical abilities, such as: cardio-respiratory resistance, force, flexibility, power, speed, coordination and agility.

But there are some things that should never be done; some mistakes can be very expensive and cause injuries of various levels, which is why today we report the 6 most common mistakes to avoid during training:

1 -Overtraining

Training is great, but rest is essential!

One of the CrossFit® philosophies teaches us that we must "exceed our limits”, That is, get out of our comfort zone and push hard.

This without exaggerating or ignoring the signals that the body sends, otherwise you risk suffering trauma and injury, the so-called overtraining.

How to solve? Listen to your body, give it the nutrients and time it needs to rest and recover after physical exertion.

2 -Do not pay attention to the technique

Regardless of what you're doing (running, powerlifting, weightlifting, stretching) must always use your head and do the exercises with the right technique.

Many times we tend to be hasty and, especially when we are tired, we risk making movements wrong.

How to solve? Look for a good coach and follow all his directions.

3- Do not warm up

Another very common mistake is skipping the warm-up.

I recommend guys, il heating it is essential to prepare the muscles and joints to the next exercises! In addition to improving performance, it is essential to prevent injuries injuries.

How to solve? Focus on the muscle groups and joints that will be most activated during the wod e move them dynamically to prepare the body.

It is essential to stimulate the increase in blood circulation in the tissues of the district that is being trained.

4 - Always do the same exercises or workouts

Did you notice that the definition of CrossFit®, as well as its virtue, is that it is indeed a dynamic and constantly varied training?

Eh, indeed. There is a reason ...

You don't have to never dwell on just one skill or one WOD. There are athletes, like the American Graham Dessert, who have decided to do theHero Wod Murph for a year in a row! This you should definitely not do!

How to solve? Include different exercises in your training routine by alternating cardiovascular activities, weight movements and training force.

5- Do not train strength

THEspecific strength training it is essential, not only to increase and tone the muscles, but above all to protect the bones and joints during exercise and daily activities.

Also, strength training increases the metabolism and helps greatly in fat loss.

How to solve? Consult your trainer on how to cycle your workout.

6 - Do not do post workout stretching

For many, stretching is trivial, for others it is even tiring; however it is necessary. Increasing range of motion is essential for improving performance and preventing injuries.

How to solve? Try to do a good static and dynamic stretching routine regularly, as we have suggested so many times!

Well now you already know what NOT to do... but now I tell you what you SHOULD do: physical activity in a conscious way, with the right motivation, to enjoy good health and fitness.

Needless to remind you: a good box / coach is worth more than anything!

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