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7 reasons to choose wild Alaskan salmon

Salmon is one among the favorite choices for fish lovers; it is delicious and, as a dinner, turns out to be a fantastic meal, especially for sportsmen, who count macros, they often give up carbs and generally pay more attention to health.

There has been a lot of talk about its benefits, since it is a lean fish, but rich in protein and omega 3; however, there are various types. Today we focus on Wild Alaskan Salmon.

Why choose to eat wild Alaskan salmon over regular salmon? Here are 7 reasons:

It has amazing heart health benefits

Wild Alaskan salmon is good for the heart; is rich in healthy fats such as acids omega 3 fats and omega-6. This prevents the risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Why wild salmon? So long as it is not farmed and contains fewer calories! In addition, it also has less saturated fat, which negatively affects heart health.

Wild salmon is more ethical

Do you know the conditions under which farmed salmon are kept? They are bred by professional fishermen. They are kept in nets, in confined spaces.

I wild salmon they are not raised in nets and do not live in a controlled environment; they are raised naturally and swim freely.

Farmed salmon allows fishermen to meet the growing demand for salmon; they can control their nutritional content, their diet and this can prevent any health problems.

Although this has advantages, the treatment of wild salmon is much more ethical than the treatment of farmed salmon.

Wild salmon improves brain health

The fatty acids in salmon aren't just good for your heart.

Both the omega-3 DHA and EPA are critical for brain function. When consumed in healthy amounts at a young age, these fatty acids aid brain development and can even improve your IQ!

As for the adult brain, the membranes of brain cells need fatty acids to function. Lack of fatty acids causes a lack of brain function and can even affect crucial areas such as memory.

Compared to farmed salmon, wild Alaskan salmon contains greater amounts of both types of omega-3 fatty acids. This helps ensure that you are boosting brain function.

Alaskan salmon is sustainable

This fish is widespread in many different ocean environments. You can easily find salmon in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as well as in water sweet, like rivers and lakes.

Salmon can be caught in any of these areas, but what makes the Alaskan salmon different?

Well, Alaska is one of the most sustainable countries in the world and has an incredible fishing system.

Alaska monitors its fishing regulations very closely; it is, in fact, one of the highest-scoring states in all of the United States. He carefully manages the fishing and ensures that no damage is done to the marine ecosystem.

Salmon helps maintain healthy eyesight

Going back to omega-3s, these fats also help preserve vision. Without adequate fats in our diet, your eyesight can suffer.

The acids Omega-3 fats have been used to prevent macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.

These fatty acids also adequately drain the intraocular fluid; improperly drained fluid can cause serious conditions such as glaucoma and elevated eye pressure.

What does this have to do with wild Alaskan salmon? Taking omega-3 fatty acids from food sources is more effective in reducing the risk of eye disease than taking supplements.

As mentioned above, wild salmon has higher concentrations of both types of omega-3 fatty acids than supplements and farmed salmon.

Alaskan salmon has strict quality standards

We brag about the fishing conditions in Alaska, but what about the next steps when the salmon has been caught?

Il Alaskan salmon is frozen only hours after being caught. This is to ensure that the vitamins, minerals and taste do not degenerate over time.

The rest of the process is closely monitored; To maintain its freshness, Alaskan salmon must be stored at a specific temperature and for a certain period of time.

Keep in mind that recognizing the true quality of wild salmon is very difficult for the average consumer. The best judgment is taste: wild salmon has a distinct flavor compared to farmed salmon.

It helps you lose weight

Last but not least, wild Alaskan salmon can aid in your weight loss efforts.

As mentioned above, salmon is a lean fish, but it is extremely high in protein. Think that 85 grams of salmon contain about 21 grams of protein.

Le proteins serve as building blocks for our muscles and help in many types of fitness journeys.

Since high-protein foods fill you up faster than carbohydrate-rich foods, this means that one medium-sized wild Alaskan salmon fillet is enough to fill you up and stay satisfied.

Furthermore, salmon is low in calories: 85 grams of salmon contain only 140 calories. You're eating a low calorie fish that will still help you stop feeling hungry, thus preventing further, less healthy snacking.

You can make many healthy meals with salmon, such as poke bowls!

Did we make you crave wild Alaskan salmon?

Did reading this article make you crave wild Alaskan salmon? Good! If you can't go to Alaska and get fresh salmon, we recommend you go toAlaska Seafood Italy.

Find all the necessary info on their page Instagram e Facebook! Enjoy your meal!

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