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8 properties of artichoke: natural purifier for the liver

Il artichoke is a vegetable native to the Mediterranean and has been used for centuries for its potential medicinal properties.

Its purported health benefits include levels of cup sugar lower blood levels, better digestion, heart health and especially liver health.

Artichoke extract also contains high concentrations of compound compounds from the plant and is increasingly popular as a supplement; let's discover together the properties and benefits of this vegetable.

Nutritional values

Artichokes are rich in nutrients; a medium-sized artichoke (cooked) contains:


Artichoke leaf extract can have a positive effect on the levels of cholesterol.

Uno study on over 700 subjects revealed that supplementation with artichoke extract for 5/13 weeks can lead to a reduction in total LDL cholesterol and bad and an increase in good HDL cholesterol.

Artichokes contain luteolin, an antioxidant which, in fact, prevents the formation of cholesterol.

Blood pressure

Artichoke extract can help keep blood pressure in check; some test tube studies suggest that the artichoke promote the enzyme eNos, which plays a role in widening blood vessels.

Liver health

Artichoke leaf extract can protect the liver from damage and promote the growth of new tissue; it also increases the production of bile, which helps remove harmful toxins from the liver.

A study with subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease showed that consuming 600 mg of artichoke extract per day for two months led to improved liver function.

Digestive health

Artichokes are aexcellent source of fiber, which can help keep the digestive system healthy by promoting friendly gut bacteria and relieving constipation and diarrhea.

Artichokes contain inulin, a type of fiber that acts as a probiotic and cinnarine, a compound that can stimulate bile production by speeding up bowel movement.

Irritable bowel syndrome

La Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that affects the digestive system and can cause stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea, bloating and constipation.

Artichoke extract can relieve these symptoms in several ways. Some artichoke compounds have antispasmodic properties and can help stop muscle spasms, balance gut bacteria, and reduce inflammation.


Artichoke and artichoke extract can help reduce blood sugar levels; artichoke extract slows down the activity of alpha-glucosidase, an enzyme that breaks down starch into glucose, with a potential impact on glycemia.

Antitumor effects

Some antioxidants found in artichokes, including rutin, quercetin, silymarin and gallic acid, are believed to be responsible for anticancer effects.

However, there are no human studies yet, so more research is needed.




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