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How to survive the Christmas binges? 11 tips to avoid weight gain

Weight gain during the Christmas holidays is a common concern for a great many people; some holidays encourage overeating, sedentary behaviors, and the consumption of calorie-rich foods.

Between the end of November and the middle of January, on average, people gain almost a kilo, but this weight gain is not inevitable - here are 11 tips for not gaining weight during the Christmas holidays!

Be active with family and friends

Sedentary activities, such as watching movies, are common during the holidays, especially at Christmas.

Doing some kind of physical activity with your family, even a simple walk, can contribute to weight control and allows us to bond with our loved ones.

Eat snacks wisely

During the holidays in all homes unhealthy snacks such as cookies and chocolates increase and we almost unconsciously eat them more often.

At home try to keep them hidden and when you are at work or a guest at someone's home, do not overdo it and always prefer fresh fruit, nuts or seeds. Otherwise you can always make some fit sweets to be enjoyed together with your loved ones.

Look at the portion sizes

Those who eat larger portions tend to gain weight more easily; always check the portions so as not to overdo it or use smaller plates.

Practice a conscious diet

People are often in a rush during the holidays and find themselves doing multiple things at once, including eating.

Those who eat absent-mindedly are more likely to gain weight, so avoid distractions during meals, focus on chewing and recognize signs of fullness.

Monitor your sleep well

Sleep deprivation, which is quite common during holidays, can lead to weight gain; those who sleep little are hungrier, consume more calories and exercise less.

We had already told you aboutimportance of rest!

Check your stress levels

Keeping up with vacation needs can be stressful; those who accumulate more stress have higher levels of cortisol and this can cause weight gain.

There are many techniques to help reduce stress levels: try yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.

Cut down on tastings

During Christmas many people cook non-stop, tasting all the preparations; this phase in the kitchen is very important especially when you have guests, but don't overdo it!

Weigh yourself regularly

Weigh yourself regularly (once a week is enough!) helps us not to lose sight of our weight goals.

Avoid (as much as possible) processed foods

Almost all typical holiday foods are processed foods; although quick and easy, these foods often contain added sugars excess and unhealthy fats that strain the figure.

be careful!

Plan ahead

If you have lunches, dinners or parties planned, investigate what foods will be served, so you can adjust in the previous days and stay lighter.

Don't procrastinate

During the Christmas season many people get into the mindset “I've been on a diet since January".

This type of thinking can prolong bad habits for a long time. If you really intend to lose weight, it might be useful to set limits right away, set small goals and make sacrifices, while remaining aware that we are in a holiday period, so we can give ourselves some extra snags.

And how will you deal with these holidays from a food point of view? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our Telegram channel

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