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I do CrossFit® but I don't feel like running: bad!

At first sight there are two completely different sports. but yet the Crossfit and the race they are linked by profound similarities, both mentally - for the commitment and sacrifice they require - and on the physical level.

A respectable crossfitter cannot do without the race, which not surprisingly populates a large majority of WODs; at the same time in recent years more and more i runner who decide to include Crossfit in their training.

But what are the specific advantages it brings with it mix of disciplines? How a professional runner succeeds in improve performance through the Crossfit? And above all: the race is really one fundamental part of training of a crossfitter?

Crossfit and race: the points in common

First of all it is important to keep in mind what i am core elements of Crossfit, i key points of the discipline. In fact, they exist ten general physical abilities which are at the base of an optimal physical form. Ten skills that every crossfiter athlete refines simultaneously, without neglecting one. Which ones are they?

  1. Agility
  2. Force
  3. Flexibility
  4. Speed
  5. Coordination
  6. Equilibrio
  7. Resistance
  8. Potenza
  9. Cardiovascular resistance
  10. Respiratory existence

Il simultaneous training of these skills it is the reason why the WODs are so different from each other in its structure. A trained coach knows in fact that within the weekly programming it is important to balance between types of training.

But starting from this list, it is possible to draw a line that connects the two sports and places them on the same level. Those listed are indeed abilities strictly necessary for a professional runner which aims to achieve certain performance objectives. But the race alone cannot improve them.

At the same time, uNo good crossfitter can not do without the race. It is one of the "cardio" exercises that work on the energy mechanisms of the athlete's body. In other words, it is metabolic conditioning, that - after feeding - represents one of the true pillars of Crossfit.

Are the Crossfit and the race interchangeable?

There are many testimonials from professional runners who choose to include Crossfit in their training. An article on Runnersworld tells the experience of Ali Novan, runner struggling with a 5K marathon. Its goal: improve race times 5 km in just 30 days. A challenge that American coach Kurt Miller has accepted without batting an eye.

“I was intimidated,” she explains in the article. “Crossfit pushes you to push your limits and make progress in no time. Accept the pain and fatigue and so on change the approach to training". In just 30 days, Ali has exceeded his time limit and continues to frequent the Crossfit box with the aim of doing more and more.

According to some professional marathon runners, replace the race occasionally with one or two Crossfit sessions it does not slow down the achievement of one's goals. For example, the coach Simone Neri explains in the Journal. "Many of our runner athletes," he says, "have reduced their running training to devote themselves to Crossfit. But they realized they had earned in terms of performance ".

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