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Russian Twist: Execution, Muscles Involved and Variations for a Strong Core

Core training is a crucial element for overall health and physical performance. Among more effective exercises to develop the force and core stability, the “Russian Twist” stands out for its ability to involve different muscle groups.

In this article, we will explore how to correctly perform the Russian Twist, the muscles involved and some variations to keep the workout always stimulating!

Performing the Russian Twist: Step by Step

The Russian Twist is a relatively simple exercise, but correct execution is essential to maximize the benefits and reduce the risk injuries.

Here's how to do it:

Muscles Involved 

The Russian Twist is a complete exercise that involves several muscle groups, mainly focus on the central area of ​​the body.

The muscles involved include:


To make your workout more varied and challenging, you can try some variations of this exercise. Here are some options to consider:

Replace the weight with a medicine ball to increase the challenge and improve muscle engagement.

Use bumper plates to vary the intensity of the exercise.

Sit on a fitness ball to increase instability and further engage your stabilizing muscles.

Lift one leg off the ground during execution to accentuate the activation of the oblique abdominals.

Integrating this skill into your workout routine is an effective way to strengthen your core and improve body stability.

Always remember to perform the exercise correctly, paying attention to form and control of movement. 

Experiment with variations to keep your workout routine interesting and challenging. With consistency and commitment, the Russian Twist can become a key element in developing a strong and functional core.

And you, did you know the benefits of this exercise? Let us know in the comments what you think and remember to follow us on our telegram channel 


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