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WOD 24.2 of the CrossFit® Open 2024 revealed

Here we are! The CrossFit® scene is once again in turmoil after theofficial announcement of the second workout of the CrossFit® Open 2024, the long-awaited WOD 24.2.

Following in the wake of the first wod 24.1, which saw Colten Mertens and Mirjam Von Rohr triumph with extraordinary times, the international CrossFit® Games community once again found themselves in front of the screen, waiting to discover the new challenges proposed by the competition.

The announcement of WOD 24.2: A Duel at the Summit

Tonight, at 21:00 pm, the official CrossFit® Games channel shed light on the mystery, presenting WOD 24.2. This time, two athletes of international caliber, Justin Medeiros and Colteen Mertens fought to the last breath, demonstrating once again the high level of competence and endurance required by this discipline.

#24point2 is…

An AMRAP 20 Minutes of Pure Adrenaline!

This combination of exercises requires not only considerable force physical but also a great capacity for resistance and coordination, key elements to excel in CrossFit®.

Justin Medeiros vs Colten Mertens: who won the challenge?

The competition between Justin Medeiros and Colteen Mertens in WOD 24.2 of the CrossFit® Open 2024 ended with a sensational victory for Medeiros, who completed 10 complete laps and started lap 11.

The challenge, which kept fitness enthusiasts on the edge of their seats, saw Medeiros emerge thanks to a winning strategy and exceptional physical endurance.

The Winner's Strategy

The secret behind Justin Medeiros' success in this intense 20-minute AMRAP? A good rhythm on the rowing machine, a key element to effectively balance the deadlift and rope jumps.

The winner's advice is clear: maintaining a constant and manageable pace for the rower allows the rower to face the other parts of the challenge with greater energy.

Performance Details

During the competition, filming showed that Medeiros maintained an impressive pace of 1:43 for most of the time, and then accelerate to 1:35 in the last lap, demonstrating not only his ability to manage effort but also to know when is the right time to give everything.

The Prize: Rogue's Golden Barbell

Thanks to this extraordinary victory, Justin Medeiros not only earned the title for WOD 24.2 but also received the Rogue “golden barbell”, an award that further highlights his talent and dedication to the world of CrossFit®.

The only thing that is unclear to us is: what did Dave Castro's clue have to do with it (does a chess pawn that is carried give you…a disc?) with this workout? Whoa! If you have any suggestions, write in the comments! See you at 24.3 crossfitters!

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