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Injuries in the CrossFit: should you stop training?

Like any sport, CrossFit can also put our body's health at risk. The injuries in the CrossFit they are an avoidable and yet very frequent danger, given its intensity and the preparation it takes to perform certain exercises without getting hurt.

It will be precisely for this reason that, over time, the idea that CrossFit is a dangerous sport, a discipline to be avoided absolutely. However, it is one urban legend. Not surprisingly, in one of his articles, the site The Barbell Physio reports three researches which prove the opposite.

According to these studies, in fact, over a thousand hours of training, theaccident rate index in CrossFit it ranges from 2.1 to 3.1. A very low number when compared to other sports. Suffice it to say that in football, over a thousand hours of training the index is around 5.9, while over a thousand hours of play (i.e. during a match with an opposing team) the number rises to 34.8.

Anyway, that of getting hurt during a CrossFit session it is a real risk. An eventuality accident, whether it is acute (i.e. reported following a trauma) or chronic (i.e. linked to the wear and tear of a part of the body that occurs over time), it certainly should not be minimized or ignored. However, it is necessary find the right approach, to understand how far you can go and come to terms with the possibility of giving up training.

How to approach an injury in CrossFit

The first step is to analyze the pain caused by the injury. In this phase it is good to concentrate on the part of the body where it is located, trying to understand at the same time if there is a specific movement that tends to worsen it or make it more acute.

Being aware of pain is of fundamental importance. Depending on its degree of intensity it allows us to understand if we can keep training, perhaps choosing a scaled WOD, or if it is necessary to stop completely.

Rest is indeed an integral part of recovery. And if conditions make it necessary, better not to underestimate the possibility of taking a break from CrossFit for a few days.

Do you really need to stop exercising?

Someone said that for a CrossFit athlete, the pain of having to stop exercising is much greater than any injury could cause. Although true, it is good to carefully consider before deciding whether or not it is appropriate to continue attending the box.

However, there are situations in which rest is not necessarily the only option. For example when the injury is very localized. If only one muscle group is interested, you can always modify the WOD in such a way as to prevent us from using that muscle group during training. Or you can choose a scaled WOD so as not to be forced to excessive effort. Without forgetting to involve your coach! A trained coach is the only one who can guide us towards effective recovery.

other interesting suggestions about injuries in CrossFit, read ours list of things to remember during an injury.

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