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Angles 90: how to spice up the most classic exercises!

Angles 90 dynamic handles

Barbell, discs, dumbbells, jump rope, "medicine ball". Stop.

The world of fitness with equipment can seem like a finite universe, of which both users and marketers have reached the extreme limits.

After all, you say to yourself, what else can human ingenuity reserve, after the throwing of strange-objects-for-the-abdominals of the nineties telesales?

Instead, every now and then, some new muscle enhancement - what an old school term! - if it comes out from who knows where: forgotten and rediscovered, or dreamed of scratch from some curious physicist ... here it is. Suddenly, for one thing - we were talking about it a short time ago - here the Fat Gripz to increase the diameter of the barbells.

The Angles 90 belong to this category of inventions created to rejuvenate the environment a little. Let's see them.

Angles 90: Italian ingenuity for a training classic

Love and hate, pull ups are a must in any sport regime. Trainers like few other exercises represent a real cross for those who still do not know how to do them.

Among the limits that slow down the proceed along the progression towards the pull ups, there is mobility. And among the different mobilities involved, there is the mobility of the wrists.

The curtain rises on the Angles 90.

What are the Angles 90?

It is dynamic handles which can be fixed to different supports:

The Angles allow you to perform traction exercises leaving the wrist free to follow its natural movements: without forcing it into the rigid positions of the fixed bar.

In this way, the joint can move on different planes, and produce natural intra- and extra-rotations, as well as in neutral positions. In this way, we are free to switch between pinch (made with three fingers) to another even during a series: a great way to give variation and new intensity to exercises.

For example, it is possible to grasp the handles in supine grip - to perform a chin up - and on the way up, change it to a prone grip.

Let's not forget that the "stiffened" grip still exposes the wrist - and, consequently, the elbow - to the risk of accident.

The handles also allow you to work on the grip.

The angles 90 on a technical level

According to the manufacturer's instructions, each handle holds 180 kg - a total of 360 therefore, more than excellent in case you want to work with overloads! - and it's built with excellent materials: webbing taken from the automotive industry, anti-slip material, ergonomic shape.

Beyond the tractions

If you associate the Angles 90 with bar exercises only, know that you are wrong. You can indeed hook the handles to a barbell, and use this combination to row, deadlift, shrugs, and so many other exercise adaptations you can't even imagine.


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Photo: Angles 90 website
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