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Assault Airbike: 4 reasons to love this skill

When you first enter a CrossFit® playpen, you are introduced to strange nomenclatures and to new tools, which are not as common in conventional gyms, such as the airbike and rowing machine.

The row is the equipment that simulates rowing, as if it were in water. The airbike, on the other hand, is that contraption that you look at and think:

“But what will it ever be… it's just a bike! And you can also use your arms to help you pedal ".

This will be your mistake!

Airbike is deadly and it's very easy to end up hating it. Training with this equipment brings many benefits, so today we will give you 4 reasons to start loving this skill!

But first of all, let's understand what airbike is? Why is it different from an exercise bike?

The main difference is that the ergometer bike uses a chain and the load adjustment is done manually.

The airbike, on the other hand, has a system of pedal load, which increases or decreases the weight and intensity of training depending on the speed of the athlete's movement.

The airbike is equipped with two pedals like a normal bicycle, but with the addition of two supports to use the arms. Movements are made back and forth, moving in unison with the feet. It is as if you pedal with your hands and feet at the same time!

What are the advantages of the airbike?

The airbike is an equipment that favors the complete movement of the body: quadriceps, back, arms and shoulders. The real 4 reasons to love her are:

No impact on the joints

Physical activity in the airbike is suitable for all people, as there is none no impact on the joints. Therefore, those who suffer from arthritis or any other joint disease are free to use it.

Another interesting point is that it is the athlete himself who chooses the intensity of the movement, so it can be used from the first day with low intensity, to then increase the difficulty during the course.

Promotes weight loss

The more you increase the intensity, the more calories you burn. This is why the air bike is used in several weight loss programs.

A workout where it is often used to promote weight loss is that HIIT. In this mode, the athlete must perform the very high intensity pedaling movement for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds.

The series is repeated up to 7 or 10 times, depending on the physical condition of each.

Improve physical condition

This skill is excellent for both physical and muscular condition as it is a complete exercise.

Since running can cause more impact, especially in the knees, the air bike can easily replace it.

After a few weeks of training, the athlete will notice a considerable improvement in physical endurance and cardiorespiratory condition.

It reduces stress and releases the feel-good hormone

Do you know that feeling of well-being when you finish the workout? It doesn't happen by chance!

During the practice of physical activity endorphin is released, which is the hormone of well-being and happiness. That's why when you close a workout, your body feels the effect of this hormone: you feel satisfied and relaxed.

Training with the airbike also releases it and this will guarantee a feeling of well-being after the WOD!

What do you think? Do you agree or, despite all these benefits, do you still hate it? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to join our Telegram group ????

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