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Supplements: Branched Amino Acids (BCAA)

athlete holds scoop of BCAA

BCAAs, or branched chain amino acids, are - by far - among the most used supplements by CrossFit athletes e bodybuilding. The main reasons are related to reduction of the sense of fatigue, to the effect anabolic (useful for the construction of protein) and to the reduction of time recovery between one workout and another.

For the (few) who still do not know them, we have prepared a list of 6 reasons so they must absolutely not be missing in the nutritional plan of a self-respecting athlete. Enjoy the reading.

1) Stimulation of protein synthesis

The most pronounced effect of BCAAs is their anabolic action during the post-workout recovery period. This is due to the fact that the three amino acids that compose them (leucine / isolelucine / valine) work in synergy to stimulate the synthesis i protein in skeletal muscle, causing an increase in mass.

2) Reduction of the perception of fatigue

Another action particularly sought after by athletes is the ability of BCAAs to prevent fatigue during exercise. This aspect is particularly marked when the athlete is still a beginner. Various studies, including the one published in the Journal of Nutrition, have shown how supplementation with BCAA significantly improves perception of effort and mental fatigue of athletes after a marathon.

3) Stimulation of the immune system

Having a strong immune system and responsive is very important for a crossfitter. Especially in the period immediately following intense and prolonged efforts where - inevitably - the defenses are lowered, with greater exposure to inflammation and pathogens.
The intake of BCAAs, present in large quantities in cheeses, meat and eggs, allows the body to maintain the levels of glutamine, an amino acid involved in maintaining the immune system.

4) Improvement of physical and mental performance

The BCAAs, reducing the perception of fatigue at the level of the central nervous system, represent a valid ally during the most demanding and demanding exercises. According to one study, this improvement is even more evident when athletes train in particularly hot weather conditions.

5) Reduction of muscle pain

Taking BCAAs appears to reduce muscle pains that the athlete is exposed to during training. This improvement is not only found on a subjective level (less sore and contracted muscles) but also on an objective level (reduction in blood values ​​of inflammation and muscle damage).

6) Increased testosterone levels

Testosterone is a fundamental hormone for those who practice CrossFit, because it determines the growth of muscle mass, red blood cells and increases bone density. After the age of 30, the levels of this hormone begin to decline, so it is important to try to keep them at optimal levels, including by taking BCAAs (whose action on testosterone is widely documented).


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