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Why are chin ups easier than pull ups?

Chin ups easier than pull ups?

We have denigrated them, made fun of them, ridiculed them. And maybe they were right from the start.

They are the gymnasiums who LOVE to train their biceps.

Wait, David! But shouldn't the article be about chin ups?


Chin ups versus pull ups

Just change the pinch (made with three fingers), but the name of the two exercises is completely different, and the feasibility as well.

(ok, some chin ups call them reverse grip pull-ups, but oh well: let's get it all the same)

Typically, in fact, those who approach the glowing way of pull-ups will find it easier to get to do the chin ups rather than the canonical pull ups. Not only that: often get to make the mythology "My first pull up" it requires you to hit your head against a progression that can take months to progress.

The grip changes everything

In the pull up - the real pull on the bar - the outlet is overhand, that is, prone: the back of the hands points to your shoulders. Cross your ankles (if it makes you feel more comfortable), squeeze your shoulder blades, and fly into the Olympus of calisthenics.

In the chin up, the grip is underhand: it is the palms of the hands that look back. Cross your ankles, shoulder blades, Olympus. We've heard this before, haven't we?

Yes, because between the two movements NO MORE CHANGES.

So where is the difference between chin ups and pull ups?

In the biceps above.

The use of the biceps in tractions

Both exercises work the back - the dorsals (latissimus dorsi) above all, that is, those muscle bands that run alongside the spine. The "wings" of giant bodybuilders.

But then there is the recruitment of arms. In both movements, but coincidentally in chin ups the biceps are significantly more engaged. For all intents and purposes, when you pull yourself up during the chin up, you are doing a curl.

This explains why chin ups are easier.

PS. the speech "position of the hands" also applies to traction with neutral grip (palms look at each other). The movement - and the use of the biceps - are those of the chin ups.

Pull up for dummies progression

Di progressions for tractions “The pits are full”. That is, even on the internet you can find them in packs. But wanting to simplify, it works like this:

Can you do a pull up? Do more.

Can't do a pull up? Do the chin ups.

Can't do the chin ups? Go to the weight room, take up residence at the lat machine, and build some rocking backs.

You will see that then you get there, at your first pull up.

PS. in the weight room they are often there machines dedicated to progression for pull ups, which reduce the weight your lats have to lift. Alternatively there are elastic bands. But if you want to tackle the issue in an "old school" way, go for weights and calisthenics:


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