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Box jump: how to avoid horror stories

Box jump

I box jump they are among the foundations of CrossFit® programming. They are among the movements that are learned during the first lessons. And what they offer countless benefits.

One of these is that there is no need for many instructions to learn them.

However, the very simplicity of the movement means that intelligence is put aside during execution. So here's bad technique (like that curved back upon landing), scraped knees and shins, and the risk around the corner of injuries to the calves, ankles or tendons.

Youtube is full of gym fails focus on box jumps, and each of us has one horror story starting in front of the infamous box or a stack of overlapping steps.

Let's see how to avoid it.

Too easy to commit

… and the box jump technique. After all, there are three simple steps:

What do you want to look into?

However simple, every execution and every technical detail must be studied and refined.

The tricks that allow you to run the jump box safely they are elementary:

  1. In the preparatory phase, you must stay as close as possible to the box, without the knees touching him loading the jump. Feet point forward, width also. Look at the point of the box on which you will land: the center, not the edge!
  2. Jump: use your arms to generate moment, which however must not be greater than what you perceive from the thrust of the legs. It lands with both feet at the same time and the hips already partly extended. Drop your arms by your side and fully extend your hips.
  3. If you don't know how to jump out of the box lightly (absorbing the impact with the floor) simply drop one leg at a time!
  4. In this case, bring your dominant foot down while throwing your arms forward: you will make them come down in conjunction with the other foot.

The classic errors in the execution of the box jump

They are soon listed:

The role of the head

And then there's one strictly psychological component.

There are athletes who can grind dozens of box jumps in a row without blinking. And others that get stuck in front of everything that is taller than twenty-five centimeters.


There are three.

  1. Replace the box with gods bumper plates piled up. It seems silly, but in this way you can increase the height of the jumps by imperceptible thicknesses and progress without fear. It is also less threatening to jump on a smooth, round surface than on an angular wooden box.
  2. Meditate. One of the senses of meditation is "to be on the piece". Perform the repetitions without thinking about the next WOD exercise. It can be reached calmly, progressively. But maybe it's not for everyone.
  3. Positive reinforcement. We count the recovered, let's tell ourselves how many are missing, let's mentally list the steps of the jump. In this way, we should guide our head not to put sticks between our ... legs!
Wodprep, 2018. Box Jumps For Beginners: Avoid Injury, Jump Higher, and Conquer Your Fears! Available at Accessed 22 March 2019.
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