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Calorie cycling: a winning approach

Traditional diets, which limit the calorie intake for a prolonged time, work better in theory than in practice; on average, one third of the weight lost following a standard weight loss protocol is recovered within a year and all the kilos lost (plus a few extra) within 3 5-years.

Many people undergo calorie deficiteven important, for months without losing even a kilo; our bodies get used to repeated stimuli because they are designed for survival and adaptation: When we start reducing calorie intake, the body will do what it can for slow down the process of weight loss.


If you want to overcome the obstacles that accompany traditional diets, you must first understand what causes them; Several negative changes have been highlighted within the body when subjected to a calorie deficit for long periods, including:

After several weeks of dieting, these changes create what is known as "Adaptive thermogenesis": when we supply our body fewer calories, this fits, rloosening the metabolism to ensure that it is functioning properly.


There is evidence that the calorie cycling have the potential for keep the level of satiety high, hunger hormone levels, resting metabolic rate and even hormones dedicated to muscle building, such as testosterone.

Calorie cycling can also result in greater fat loss than traditional diets.

Uno studio published on'International Journal of Preventive Medicine compared a group of subjects subjected to a calorie cycle with another group of subjects subjected to a traditional diet.

This study by 4 weeks was then followed by a period of 2 weeks in which all the subjects have been constantly in normal caloric; this served researchers to observe how people reacted to cyclization.

Results: both groups lost weight, but the cycled one lost, on average, 3 kilos more and have resumed almost 2 kilos less during the maintenance phase.

A possible explanation concerns the variations of the resting metabolic rate, a key factor in maintaining long-term weight; the traditional diet group had a greater decline of this factor and has burned about 40 fewer calories per day for 4 weeks.


 Calorie cycling can be an excellent approach for anyone who races or crosses phases "Cutting" e "Bulking" for a long time.

Research has shown that some negative adaptations of the traditional diet take years to recover and can even be permanent.

A 4-week calorie deficit is long enough for the negative consequences to begin; therefore, if you want to cycle calories and limit the damage of constant calorie deficit, you have to stay within 4 weeks.

Time also plays an important role: more is long the deficit phase, the more it must be normo-caloric!

There is no equal diet program for everyone; factors such as age, sports activity, body fat level, metabolic health can influence the course.


Here are some tips to keep in mind as you approach the calorie cycling approach:

Of course, on high calorie days you can indulge in a few more whims, but remember to always eat clean and nutritious foods.

The cycling of calories is based on building a healthy approach, not on a continuous cycle of deprivation and excess!

And you, how do you cycle your calories? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to follow us on our Telegram page dedicated to sports lovers!


Davoodi, SH, Ajami, M., Ayatollahi, SA, Dowlatshahi, K., Javedan, G., & Pazoki-Toroudi, HR (2014). Calorie Shifting Diet Versus Calorie Restriction Diet: A Comparative Clinical Trial Study. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 5(4), 447.
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