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Carbohydrates for dinner: do they really make you fat?

Diets have been in vogue for many years "Low carbs", or a low in carbohydratesi; it was based on the belief that eating many carbohydrates such as bread, rice or pasta was bad for weight loss and blood sugar levels.

In addition to concern for how many carbohydrates we eat, we also care about when these come

assumptions; It is widely believed that eating carbohydrates in the evening minimizes weight loss as the body prepares for night rest and stored glucose will find it harder to burn.

"No carbohydrate after 17pm"

It seems to have become a mantra for many fitness addict and health fanatics ...

But will it really be a valid and sensible idea?

The answer is DO NOT!

There are not scientific evidence that show that not having carbohydrates for dinner is beneficial. Our body is able to cope with all macronutrients (albeit dosed and calibrated according to individual needs), regardless of the time of intake!

Eating carbohydrates for breakfast, lunch and dinner is fine, as long as you don't overdo the portions

Carbohydrates are the fuel of our body and demonizing them and eliminating them from our diet is a very serious mistake; we just have to learn to distinguish carbohydrates "Good" from those "Bad".

I carbohydrates excessively refined and processed, they are deprived of vitamins, minerals and fibers: here, these are not a good choice; the unrefined ones are still full of the authenticity of natural things: whole wheat pasta or bread, rice, oats, quinoa, rye, legumes, fruit and vegetables; they are all highly nutritious, healthy foods and help you stay full longer.

Scientific studies…

In a study conducted in Israel in 2016 published on "Journal of Obesity" it has been shown that i carbohydrates taken after 17pm are not harmful at all, rather…

The study comprised two groups: one consisting of subjects who ate carbohydrates for up to 17 pm for six months and the other consisting of subjects who ingested them after 17 pm; both groups ate the same macronutrients and the same calories.

It emerged that the subjects of the second group lost more weight and body fat: this shows that eating i carbohydrates at dinner is not a bad idea after all!

During the night rest the body does not hibernate; it remains metabolically active, so we use energy and burn calories to feed the brain, circulate the blood and regulate hormones.

Carbohydrates in the evening not only satisfy our taste buds making us more satisfied, but also have another advantage: the tryptophan amino acid increases when we ingest carbohydrates, causing more serotonin to be produced, which helps us reconcile sleep.

It is from here that the oldest trick in the world is born:

Having trouble sleeping? Drink a glass of milk before lying down (don't dip the biscuits in it though!).

Another advantage of taking carbohydrates during the evening is theaid in weight loss!

When we train our body mainly burns glycogen and sugar supplies for energy; eating clean carbohydrates in the evening will cause glycogen stores to be restored for the next day and this will provide the body with the glucose needed to regulate blood sugar levels during sleep.

It is from this stored fuel that the body draws on to burn more body fat for energy during the day.

We are all unique individuals with one biochemistry and metabolism list; what works for some may not do it for others, but you can rest assured: keep a good supply of carbs from daily needs, for dinner it will only be good for you!

How do you manage carbohydrates in your diet? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our Telegram channel dedicated to all crossfitters in Italy!


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