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CrossFit®: I stop when I want? Here's what happens to training with FRIENDS (they're 5!)

You are one of those who thinks that the Does CrossFit® only serve to lose weight? You are wrong!

Those who come to the garage every day know that the friendships created there are for life. After all, every flutter, every extra rep gets a little lighter when in the company of friends.

So, we at CrossMag have brought together 5 advantages in making a WOD with box mates!

(Ah, if you have any doubts about some words used here, go and read the article on basic terms of the CrossFit®).


1) Socialization

Have the opportunity to do new friendships it is always a motivation for team sports. Creating new circles of knowledge increases the desire to go to the pits and tackle WODs more easily.

In those days when you are listless, tired or even sick of everything, a push from that friend who calls you back to reality is essential.

You know the saying: one hand washes the other, especially when there are HSPU.

2) Motivation

We mentioned earlier that friends help motivate and face the new challenges that the box offers us every week.

But it is also worth noting that the motivation it's an emotional factor key to making the body work. If you are motivated and focused, your goal will be achieved. But if you want to continue to stay on the couch, the motivation (and your goal) will always be destined for failure.

3) Overcome yourself

When two friends train together, that sort of thing always starts indoor competition to see who is the best or who ends the reps faster It is interesting to note how these challenges help to spur each other. And, the greater the competition, the more the body will be prepared to increase loads and maximize the serial number.

4) Focus

Have focus it is essential to succeed in life, whether in a professional career, in training, at work or in any goal. Distractions in the box sometimes hinder the progress of your training, but that friend who is almost a brother will be able to maintain discipline among you, accomplishing your goal. Always look forward, never backward.

5) Fun

Joking around and telling some old (and funny) stories of what happened in the box or in some workout makes the exercise lighter and more fun. But of course, all with discipline, without losing focus!

Well, now you know that training with friends brings so many benefits. This is a method to combat procrastination, which you may have been practicing for some time, always postponing the beginning of the change in your life.

Time to improve, isn't it? How about calling that friend to train with you today ?!

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