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CrossFit® and Strogman: the main lifts

Because the strongman lifts

Unlike barbell lifts, many of the movements Strongman they develop away from the midline of the body. What is the importance of this biomechanical detail?

Simple: that the core is encouraged to perform a huge stabilization work and "securing" the spine.

It then becomes fundamental to work on the technique and gradually get to the big loads gradually: in this way we can reach excellent go into di force without exposing ourselves to the risk of accident, and continue to train profitably.

Tire flip

An exercise that we have seen regularly in overseas gyms for years. In addition to the athlete, it involves a large tire - like that of the tractors - that is done rotate on itself.

The technique, in short, is this:

This is one recovered.

Yoke carry

in yoke carry a yoke is placed on the trapezoids, and raised. The tool can be loaded with normal discs. The purpose of the exercise is carry it yoke for time or distance.

The shape of the tool, with weights flushing to the ground, means that staying stable during walking is quite difficult. The discs must swing at about 25 centimeters from the ground.

It is the Strongman movement easier to describe: the athlete wedges under him yoke, and using the trapezoids as a support base raises it - in all respects as for the execution of a Anderson squat. Chest out, neutral neck, and you're ready to pick up speed gradually, without letting yourself be dragged by the tool.

It is important to start slowing down when you are about to arrive at your destination.

Farmer's carry

A really important exercise to build stability of the core, strength of pinch (made with three fingers) e resistance to stress.

I carriers now common they have the form of rockers with central handles. They are loaded with normal discs, and used to carry weight for time or distance.

With the company farmer's carry it is possible to perform bilateral exercise - thus applying a symmetrical or unilateral stimulus. You can also make several static risers, such as the suitcase hold, to work in isometry.

Given the weights involved it is essential to lift the tools safely. An excellent goal is to get 1,25 to transport its body weight per arm, for about thirty meters, without letting go of the loads.

In the last article of this series we will see high typical Strongman lifts.

THU e , promising find the previous articles in the series.


Strongman. Accessed 20 February 2019.
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