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CrossFit®: How many times a week?

If you are considering CrossFit® as your primary fitness program, this question really is pertinent.

The shortest answer for a person who already trains and wants to keep fit (without interest in competitions) it would be to train three to five days a week, interspersing training days with rest and listening to your body.

You can also train with some muscle pain and when you are slightly fatigued, but it is important to understand which is the best choice when you are very tired it is to respect your body and take an extra day off, if ever!

Now, the rThe most complete answer is that you should train enough to maintain your fitness level, but without repetitive strain injuries either overtraining.

For this many variables matter, such as: goal, intensity, rest, nutrition, previous physical activity level and weekly routine.

Below we see how each of these factors affects our body:


If your goal is simply to stay active and in good shape, your training frequency will be very different from that of an athlete who wants to go to the Games (for example!).

The more frequent you exercise, the easier it will be to lose weight or gain muscle. However, there is no need to do CrossFit® for 11 consecutive days as this will lead to overtraining.

It should be noted that there is a big difference in the physical condition of a CrossFitter who trains twice a week and that of one who trains five times.


For definition, intensity is equal to the power you can generate at any given moment. Example: If you run 100 meters in 15 seconds, you trained harder than someone who took 30 seconds to cover the same distance.

The harder you train, the longer your rest time needs to be.

An important tip: adjust your workout and rest intervals if you gave 100% in the wod.


The qThe amount and quality of sleep make a big difference in the frequency of your workouts.

A high-quality rest allows you to train more often than those who need to stay awake a few nights or have a higher level of physical activity, such as a firefighter.


If you give your body the right fuel and allow it to synthesize the proteinBy fighting inflammation caused by muscle stress and replenishing your glycogen stores, you'll be able to exercise more often.

Now, if you have the wrong diet, not only will your workouts not be as intense as they could be, but you will need to rest more during the exercises.

Therefore, the guidance of a nutritionist is very important for anyone who wants to maintain a higher CrossFit® workout frequency.

Previous level of physical activity

The more trained you are, the harder you will have to work! Let me explain: beginners need less training to break down body homeostasis and have positive physiological responses; while elite athletes need several workouts a day for several consecutive days to achieve the same physiological responses.

For example: sand make one snatch from 100 kg, you need many months of training to gain a few kilos, while a beginner starts to do snatch with 20kg and in a few months it can increase to 40kg.

This is due to the increase in force and learning movement.

CrossFit®: daily and weekly routine

We don't live to train, we train to live and therefore our rhythm has to live with other daily chores.

If you want improve your fitness level you will have to make an effort to find the right time in your weekly schedule.

While you may not be able to train on specific days and times, try to find a balance between your physical goals and other commitments, such as work, children, and family.

Good workout!

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