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CrossFit Open 22.1: here's the wod and how to deal with it

Open 2022 has begun !! yeeee

Wall walks are back…. nooooo

But it's not as tough a challenge as it seems ... 22.1 consists of the following training:

WOD 22.1

15 ′ AMRAP

3 wall walks

12 DB snatches

15 box jump overs

CF said he tested a distance standardization in the Games and adopted the same in 22.1 for wall walks.

For safety reasons, bouncing in the jump over boxes has been prohibited, requiring a step down. Something a little unexpected but applauded by many.

How to know if you did well on 22.1

There is an app quite well known by crossiftters all over the world called "Beyond the white board" which analyzes the preliminary results of the Open 22.1.

After thousands of people post their results, the algorithm calculates how you finished in the rankings. For competitive athletes, doing well means being in the top 1% of results, which equates to doing at least 297 reps for both men and women. that is, having completed nearly 10 rounds!

Here are the results for each gender:



To be in the top 1%: you need to do at least 297 reps
To be in the top 10%: you need to do at least 243 reps
To be in the top 25%: you need to do at least 216 reps
To be in the top 50%: you need to do at least 183 reps


To be in the top 1%: you need to do at least 297 reps
To be in the top 10%: you need to do at least 252 reps
To be in the top 25%: you need to do at least 225 reps
To be in the top 50%: you need to do at least 195 reps



To be in the top 1%: you need to do at least 303 reps
To be in the top 10%: you need to do at least 261 reps
To be in the top 25%: you need to do at least 237 reps
To be in the top 50%: you need to do at least 207 reps


To be in the top 1%: you need to do at least 306 reps
To be in the top 10%: you need to do at least 252 reps
To be in the top 25%: you need to do at least 231 reps
To be in the top 50%: you need to do at least 198 reps

Remembering that 10% of each continent moves on to the next stage and these numbers do not refer to a specific continent. Nor in the age group, where 10% of each division will always advance.

We want to know how you in the community fared! Write us on our social channels your reps and where you rank according to this table!

And, see you at 22.2 guys! We can't wait and you?

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