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Crossfitter Duffel Bag: What to Bring to a CrossFit® Race?

duffle bag

Attend a CrossFit® race is a great way to find out how you are placed at technical level need performance. Rather than seeing the results, participating in a competition helps the athlete to understand his shortcomings and on which skills he must work to improve at a competitive level.

In short, there are many advantages. What not everyone knows is how to prepare for race day. We have already created one feeding guide, but what to take with you?

We must be ready for all adversities! Unlike box training where everything is done in an hour, in a competition you can stay up to 12 hours around between one race and another; it therefore becomes necessary to be well prepared!

Follow these tips and you will be ready for the next race:

Always bring your own food

There are usually places to eat, but that doesn't mean they follow your eating style.

Therefore, it is best to bring your own meal to make sure you are eating well.

Don't limit yourself to main meals; brings fruit, snacks and drinks. A gem? For lunch, the famous combination of chicken, egg and zucchini is a great option.

The same goes for the question of integration. Don't forget to bring the pre-workout, the protein, BCAA or other things you usually take.

Extra clothes

Always be ready for anything. You never know, shorts could break during a descent or a shirt could tear with one snatch.

Another very plausible reason is that NOBODY, as much as he loves you, he needs to smell the post workout.

So, always take an extra dress, which also includes underwear.

Many competitions offer changing rooms with showers. It's a great option for those who have just finished the event to go and cool off.

Let's recap; they serve: towel, soap, shampoo and slippers! And put the deodorant in the bag too, go. 😉

Bring a more comfortable shoe

In addition to the slipper, bring another pair of comfortable shoes. CrossFit® shoes are great when you are in floor.

But if you have to be around for a long time, the training shoes they can do foot pain or tire it, so having a comfortable pair or even flip flops, is a great alternative.

This way you can rest your feet better and prepare for the next phase. It may not seem like it, but small details like this are very important to get the most out of it.


Do a check before going to the event! Make sure all the accessories you normally use in class are with you. After all, if they are important in class, imagine in a race!

Let's make the ripassino: wrist bands, knee pads, ribbons, grips, high socks, rope, belt from PL, etc.

Ah, it must be said that the stands of the best brands are usually found in competitions, so you can shop on site, at exceptional prices!

CrossFiter First Aid Kit

Your duffel shouldn't be complete without the "CrossFiter First Aid Kit".

With it you will be prepared for any adversity before, during and after the race.

Prepare a beauty case with: sunscreen (for outdoor competitions), insect repellent, soothing cream for open hands, muscle loosening gels, patches, headache medications or muscle relaxants.

For those more equipped, even the masseuse gun is an excellent idea!

Backpack, duffle or trolley?

For many, a backpack is enough, for others a duffel bag or some even carry a trolley to carry things. Beware, you are going to compete and not starting a new life in another country!

Be aware of the size as there are no lockers for athletes at the races; your things will always be close to you! So choose something that is easy to carry around.

All clear? Vamosssssss… .and good luck!


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