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CrossFitter Robert Hartley completes 31 Hero WODs in 31 Hours

Le Endurance challenges are often used to test one's physical limits. Such is the case with Robert Hartley, co-owner of CrossFit® Inevitable in Elizabethtown, KY. In September of this year, the American took on a challenge that we think is insane: complete 31 Hero WODs within a time limit of 31 hours.

Her words?

“I needed to do something to push me further than I ever have.”

What is a Hero Wod?

Un Hero WOD it's a training dedicated to a fallen soldier, to honor his memory. The challenge "31 on 31" by Hartley, to put it in a nutshell, was created with the intention of proving that anything is possible.

Plus, according to the post's Instagram caption, his feat of endurance was meant to be like a tribute to the "31 fallen of the Kentucky State Police", as Hartley is a member.

“Never set limits and know that your mind will take you to places that seem impossible.”

Below are theii the 31 workouts Hartley completed in the span of 31 hours, starting at 8:30am Sept. 12, through 15:29pm Sept. 13, 2022.

He finished 31 workouts with just one minute left before reaching the time limit.

31 Hero Wods Performed By Robert Hartley

1) Tol

4 rounds for time:

11 burpees

121 single-unders

14 air squats

121 single unders,

48 sit-ups (butterfly)

2) Miller

24 rounds for time:

141m sprint

14 overhead walking lunges

3) Huffmann

27 mins AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):

5 bar muscle ups

19 employees

53 jumping air squats

299m runs

4) Bush

Buy-in: 28 burpees, then 2 rounds for time:


11 push ups

374m runs

Then, 28 burpee buyouts.

5) Tevis

4 rounds for time:

5 cleans & jerks (36kg sandbag)

26 sit-ups

5 cleans & jerks

16 back squats (36kg sandbag)

6) Mobley

4 rounds for time:

5 thrusters (43kg)

28 lengths

5 thrusters

31 hand release push-ups

7) Uzzle

600-meter run buy-in, then 2 rounds for time:

5 chest-to-bar pull-ups

28 back rack lunges (43 kg)

19 HR push-ups

64 air squats

600m run buyout.

8) Powell

7 min AMRAP:

8 burpees

18 thrusters (20kg)

9) Brady

4 rounds for time:

11 thrusters (43kg)

9 power cleans

17 back squats

10) Barret

No time cap, complete:

35 deadlifts

Unbroken sets of five, increasing with each set; the lifter's score is the total weight.

11) McNeely

4 rounds for time:

2 bear crawls — 30m

9 front squats (52kg)

7 push presses

Rest for 3 min and then follow up with the hero WOD “Childs.”

12) Childs

4 rounds for time:

4 power cleans (52kg)

8 thrusters (52kg)

13) Thurtell

15min AMRAP:

393m runs

9 burpees

29 back squats (43kg)

14) Ward

4 rounds in:

5 min AMRAP with 1 min rest (23 min total)

4 push presses (60kg)

23 burpees

7 sit-ups

3 bear crawls (10m)

15) Smith

24min AMRAP:

4 power cleans (43kg)

26 back squats

1973m runs

16) Hutchinson

6 rounds:

7 pull-ups

7 push-ups

5 toes-to-bars


4 rounds:

7 sumo deadlift high pull (43kg)

7 employees

5 hollow rocks


2 rounds:

7 burpees

7 thrusters (43kg)

5 strict pull-ups

17) McCoun

9 rounds for time:

6 ring dips

9 pull-ups


3,2km run

18) Pickard

2 rounds for time:

26 clapping push-ups

26 sandbag walking lunges (36kg)

26 sit-ups

26 sandbag back squats

26 burpees

742m runs

19) Martin

20 min AMRAP:

20 Hand Release Push Ups

20 pull-ups

20 employees

20 toes-to-bars

20 burpees

20 air squats

20 sit-ups

20 sandbag lunges

20) Cunningham

2 rounds for time:

24 back squats (43kg)

24 lunges (43kg)

24 push presses (43kg)

24 sit-ups

24 burpees

24 Superman

24 sit-ups

24 push presses (43kg)

24 lunges (43kg)

24 back squats (43kg)

21) Harris

7 rounds for time:

6 bar-facing burpees

8 empty-bar thrusters

Then ran 3,2km

22) Clifton

9 rounds for time:

4 front squats (32kg)

7 back squats (32kg)

5 sandbag sit-ups (4,5 kg)

Then, run 1,6 mile

23) PD

12 rounds for time:

6 burpee tire broad jumps

5 tire flips

Buy out: 2 partner carries — 50m

24) Johnny

12 rounds for time:

3 sumo deadlift high pulls (43kg)

6 burpee tire flips

5 tire jumps

34m bear crawl

25) Adkins

6 rounds for time:

9 burpees

9 thrusters (43kg)

6 chest-to-bar pull-ups

26) J.C

For time:

800m runs

5 squat cleans (43kg)

50 double-unders

5 squat cleans (43kg)

800m runs

5 squat cleans (43kg)

50 sit-ups

5 squat cleans (43kg)

800m runs

27) Leonard

3 rounds for time:

250m sandbag carry (36kg)

28 push-ups

250m farmer's carry (2 discs of 20kg each hand)

28 sit-ups

250m runs

28 burpees

28) Tribby

25 burpees per buy-in, then 10 rounds for time:

3 pull-ups

8 power cleans (43kg)

7 front squats (43kg)

Then, 4,3km run

29) Chrisman

3 rounds for time:

6 push presses (43kg)

23 sit-ups

15 burpee pull-ups

800m runs

30) Gibbs

For time:

191m farmer's carry (2 discs of 20kg each hand)

5 toes-to-bars

10 overhead walking lunges per leg (20kg)

20 pull-ups

30 burpees

40 push-ups

191m farmer's carry (2 discs of 20kg each hand)

40 push-ups

30 burpees

20 pull-ups

10 overhead walking lunges per leg (20kg)

5 toes-to-bars

191m farmer's carry (2 discs of 20kg each hand)

31) Room

31 min AMRAP:

9 sandbag thrusters (43 kg)

5 push-ups

4 pull-ups

100m sprint/run between rounds


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