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Developing pecs without bench press and barbell (it's not science fiction)

Train the chest without tools

The title of this article is due to the fact that the chest-flat bench association is one of the dogmas of the gym. As a corollary there are: the incline bench, the thousand variations of cable exercises.

Here it is. To the cables. The barbell. The bench.

And if I don't have any tools, what do I do? Rest with the dead chest of those who do not train?

Certainly not, since it is possible to train the chest even without tools (or with the minimum).

Training the chest bodyweight?

Yes. With a caveat: it is difficult, e it takes a little more patience that not if you have the paraphernalia (it should be called that) of the weight room.

Furthermore, as trivial as the tools we have in our calisthenics box in the "chest" compartment may seem, the technique - as always - is fundamental.

Let's see some - indeed, no: let's see the exercise par excellence for train the chest without tools.

1 - Push up

Cross and delight of every athlete - second only to burpees, maybe - push ups pop up all over the place. In the movies set in the barracks, as a punishment for washing physical education students, as a training exercise… that's it: as a training exercise.

Push ups should not be underestimated:

The fact is that push ups have a lot of advantages:

PS. if you are an Italian lover, push up translates to push-ups on the ground.

2 - Variations of the push up

The variants, in fact. There are dozens of them. I will limit myself here to listing the most classic (as well as the most effective):

What if I have trouble getting them?

So, the problems can be of two kinds.

You do not have force.

No problem. Start doing push ups with your hands resting on a raised surface, gradually lowering the height (prone to push ups).

Still problems? Put your knees on the ground (knee push ups)

Yet? Do them "to the wall": move away from the wall a little more than the length of your arms, and start doing push ups like this!


Your wrists hurt.

You have to do something. First diagnosis: you have weak wrists. They need to be strengthened, like all joints. Spare your body the standard push-ups, and start with the inclined ones or with the knees on the ground.

Second diagnosis: your wrists can't stand the push-up position. It happens.

Solution: i supports for push ups, which allow you to use a pinch (made with three fingers) to do them. Highly recommended (also because they allow you to increase the ROM, i.e. the depth, of the bend).


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Photos: karl_solan,
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