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Doping: what are the substances banned by CrossFit® and their risks?

Let's find out about this controversial topic.

This article explores one selection of performance enhancing drugs (PED)  consider doping in CrossFit®, based on the principle that knowledge is power.

PEDs in sport are one controversial and universal reality, but which must be constantly fought. Our goal is to inform you like these drugs affect the human body and why they are considered doping.

It is not difficult to imagine the reasons that could lead an athlete to take these substances, but we believe it is it is essential to clarify. It must be understood that many SARMS do not yet have trade names because they have not yet been approved for human consumption.

Medical research and testing had to be stopped because the test mice were developing cancer; this may serve as a warning to us!

Meanwhile, let's understand what SARS are

They are selective androgen receptor modulators or metabolic modulators - these mimic the effects of androgenic drugs, but are much more selective in their action, allowing them to be used in various ways.

Doping: what are the substances banned by CrossFit®?

Doping: What are the risks of each substance?


In 2017, Ricky Garard, 23-year-old Australian athlete, he lost the $ 76.000 he won for his third place ranking and first places he won in the individual events of the Games.

He was also banned from participating in any CrossFit® event until the following season. All this because it is positive result in doping test with Testolone substances and also to a Beta-2 Agonists known as endurobol.

Testolone, also known as RAD140, is a compound studied for the treatment of cancer and muscle disorders.

It is an orally bioavailable selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), which has the ability to increase lean muscle mass and enhance the effects of testosterone.


Endurobol (GW 501516 or Cardarine) is a research chemical developed in the 90s to prevent and treat the formation of tumors in the colon, prostate and breast.

Studies conducted in the early 2000s found that GW 501516 and other PPAR agonists were also able to stop metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes, through specific gene expressions.

It has also been found that Endurobol has the ability to burn excess adipose tissue, improve the recovery and significantly increase endurance.

The research was abandoned in 2007 because animal tests showed that the drug caused rapid cancer development in many organs.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) developed a test for GW501516 and other related chemicals and added them to the banned substances list in 2009!


Metabolic modulators (SARMs) are a type of drug chemically similar to anabolic steroids. They are drugs that they provide some of the benefits of anabolic steroids, with fewer short-term side effects.

Research clearly demonstrates that these compounds suppress natural testosterone production and negatively impact the endocrine system, and there is evidence that they may also increase the risk of cancer.

Several researches with Cardarina had to be canceled because it caused cancerous growths in the intestines of mice.


Ostarine is another metabolic modulator (SARM). It was developed by a pharmaceutical company known as GTX to help people fight muscle wasting conditions.

Achieves the final result activating the androgen receptors in the same way as pro hormones or anabolic steroids.

In 2019 there were many athletes banned precisely for this substance, as we mentioned in the dedicated article.


HGH, produced by the pituitary gland, stimulates growth in children and adolescents. It also helps regulate body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, metabolism of sugars and fats.

It is used to treat Turner syndrome, Prader-Willis syndrome (an unusual genetic disorder that causes poor muscle tone, low sex hormone levels, and a constant feeling of hunger), chronic kidney disease, and hGH deficiency or insufficiency.

It stimulates many metabolic processes in the cells and influences the metabolism of protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. The main role of hGH is to stimulate the liver to secrete growth factor-like insulin (IGF-I).

IGF-I stimulates the production of cartilage cells, resulting in bone growth, and also plays a key role in muscle protein synthesis and organ growth.

Some of the effects attributed to hGH, which may explain why it is used as a doping agent, especially in sports force and resistance, include: reduction of body fat (lipolysis), increase in muscle mass and strength (anabolic effect), as well as its tissue repair (recovery) effects on the musculoskeletal system.

The anabolic actions of GH are mediated primarily by IGF-I and include increases in total body protein turnover and muscle synthesis.

HGH also appears to be used in parallel with other performance enhancing drugs, having an effect, albeit indirect, on muscle anabolism and athletic performance.

Commonly reported side effects of hGH abuse are: diabetes in prone individuals, worsening of cardiovascular disease, muscle, joint and bone pain; hypertension and heart failure, abnormal organ growth, accelerated osteoarthritis.


The independent athlete Megan Benzik was banned for 4 years after testing positive for Oxandrolone in June 2018.

He competed in the Southern Regional. Anavar is one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids of all time. First produced in 1964, it was the brand name of oxandrolone.

Taken in high doses needed (to build lean muscle mass) can lead to natural suppression of testosterone production, liver damage, heart attacks and strokes.


Turski, a 56-year-old California athlete who finished runner-up in the men's 55-59 division in 2017, is positive doping test for anastrozole.

This drug is used alongside other treatments, such as surgery or radiation, to treat early-stage breast cancer in women who have had menopause.

Anastrozole fights and limits the amount of estrogen secretions in the body, which in turn maximizes the effects testosterone has on the body.


Carlos Castillo, athlete from Latin America, is tested positive for this substance and he too received a 4-year penalty for doping.

The LGD-4033 is a SARM for the treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Ligandrol works the same way as other SARMs: by selectively activating androgen receptors to promote anabolic activity exclusively in the muscles and bones.


This drug is a combined drug that contains four salts of the two enantiometers of amphetamine, a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the phenethylamine group.

Adderall is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It is also used as athletic performance enhancer and cognitive and recreational enhancer, as an aphrodisiac and euphoric.

It increases alertness, aggression, attention and concentration. Improve reaction times, especially when fatigued. It can cause heart rhythm disturbances and seizures.


Erythropoietin is a type of hormone used to treat anemia in people with severe kidney disease. It increases the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, resulting in better circulation of oxygen to the muscles.

Epoetin, a synthetic form of erythropoietin, is commonly used by endurance athletes. The use of erythropoietin among competitive cyclists was common in the 90s and presumably contributed to at least 18 deaths.

Misuse of erythropoietin can increase the risk of thrombotic events such as stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolism.

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