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Dynamic warm up: the best warm-up exercises

Dynamic warm up and Agile 8

We saw how last week the term "heating" it contains a far more complex world than a couple of free body squats, some random stretching poses, and a couple of shoulder dislocation if you find a broomstick in a corner of the gym.


Proper heating is an art, which (theoretically, of course) requires careful preparation as much as that of your next WOD.

In this case, and as it should be, it's called dynamic warm up.

Dynamic warming consists of connected and progressive phases, which activate every district and every function of the body. In short, a true dynamic warm up is composed of:

So many things, right? In fact, I already hear your lament:

But if I have to do all these things, I have to book an extra hour just to warm up!

Not exactly. (Or yes, but only if you are a professional athlete.)

There are actually some dynamic heating sequences tested & perfected that "compress" the skeleton of the above sequence in a few minutes.

Dynamic heating: an example to explain it

What I am going to introduce you now is neither more nor less a little gem. Not knowing it, if you play sports (any sport), it's a shame.

It's called Agile 8.

He composed it Joe DeFranco, renowned American coach, performance enhancement specialists much appreciated and author of different weight training methods.

You can see the sequence of Agile 8 in one of the many videos on Youtube.

The name best describes it: I am 8 exercises / movements that predispose the body to "give your best without getting hurt". The exercises you need to do in sequence are:

1 - myofascial release (with foam roller) of the fascia running from the hip to the middle of the external quadriceps. Insist on hard spots. Do 15 passes, then about ten from mid-thigh to the outside of the knee.

2 - myofascial release (with foam roller) of the adductors. As above, but inside the thigh.

3 - myofascial (with tennis ball) release of the piriformis. About thirty seconds per gluteus.

4 - 10 V-sit rollovers

5 - 10 internal and 10 external hydrants per leg

6 - 20 mountain climber

7 - 10 groiners per leg. The last repetition is held for 10 seconds. Push your knee out with your arm as you come down with your butt.

8 - Static hip flexor stretch: 3 sets of 10 seconds for each leg. Do not alternate.


Go and break everything.

What to do after Agile 8 (or a similar dynamic warm-up routine)?

Simple: add the last two stages of dynamic heating depending on what awaits you (WOD, training session force, technique, HIIT, competition…). And that is:

They can be exercises with the PVC tube or with unloaded rocker, shots, sprints, box jumps, bodyweight exercises. Even better: ask your coach how to maximize the yield of those last minutes before the WOD. You will see your performance change, for the better, overnight.

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