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Eating healthy: a beginner's guide

The food we eat has great effects on health and quality of our life; Although eating healthy may seem simple, the rise in popular diets has caused a lot of confusion, causing basic nutritional principles to be overlooked.

But why eat healthy?

A diet "poor"Is increasingly related to serious pathologies.

Eating healthy can dramatically reduce your chances of developing heart disease and cancer, and can improve brain function and physical performance because food affects all cells and organs.

Calories and energy balance 

Although the calorie count manic is not necessary, total calorie intake plays a key role in weight control and health.

If you want to lose weight, you have to create a calorie deficit if you want gain weight and muscle mass, you have to eat more than what you burn.

Understanding macronutrients

I 3 macronutrients are: carbohydrates, fats and protein.

These nutrients are essential and necessary for everyone in quite high quantities; on average we all should eat 50/60% carbohydrates, 20/30% fat and the remainder of protein, to reach our daily caloric needs.

Understanding micronutrients

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that everyone needs; among these are: potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins A to K, omega 3.

The quantities to be taken vary from person to person, but following a healthy diet allows us to take in all the necessary micronutrients.

The importance of whole foods

Whole foods are rich in nutrients and have a lower energy density than refined ones; they have fewer calories and more nutrients per serving.

You have to opt for whole foods at least80 / 90% sometimes.

How to adapt your diet to your goals

We must evaluate our calorie needs based on activity and our weight goals; athletes will need a lot of proteins and carbohydrates (depending on the sport and the condition they want to achieve), vegetarians, who risk having deficiencies, must increase their vegetable proteins and legumes.

In general, we should all eat whole foods, fruit for 2/3 times a day, vegetables at every meal and always combine a portion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

How to make healthy eating sustainable

Too often, people follow extreme diets that cannot be maintained over the long term and that often lead to regaining the lost weight; balance is the key to finding your own eating style to maintain throughout your life.

No food is to be avoided forever!

Combine healthy eating with other good habits

Nutrition isn't the only thing that matters for optimal health; follow a'power santo and do physical exercise is a winning combination.

Also sleep well, keep proper hydration and trying to minimize stress are fundamental habits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the long term, reducing the risk of pathologies and keeping weight under control.

What strategies do you adopt to keep your lifestyle as healthy as possible? Let us know in the comments and also follow us on our dedicated Telegram channel 


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