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Effect of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on the CrossFit® world


The situation is would, we are experiencing a period that will leave a profound mark for the rest of our days.

Maybe we have underestimated the power of a virussomething invisible, which has brought a nation to its knees and which, unfortunately, reaps victims in every nation every day.

Since the risk of contagion is very high and extremely fast, drastic, but necessary security countermeasures have been taken. Everything closed, events postponed or postponed and the fear in spite of us has taken over.

The life and everyday life of each of us has turned upside down: we are forced to stay at home inmates.

And what effect does this have on the CrossFit® world?

Even in that case these rules apply.

we at CrossMag, we are trying to incite our readers and followers to train from home. We try to propose gods every day Household WOD posted by the various BOXes that allow everyone to continue exercising but in total security.

CrossFit®Inc for its part, has announced that 7 Sanctional events that would be held shortly will be canceled or postponed cause COVID-19.

We remind you that Sanctional events are competitions that allow winning athletes to earn participation in the next CrossFit® Games 2020.

What events will be postponed?

For now these events are postponed, some still with dates to be defined. In perhaps there is still the Rogue Invitational, scheduled for the weekend of 15-17 May 2020.

And what about the next CrossFit® Games?

 CrossFit®HQ made a note on the day March 11 2020 communicating that, for now, the Games will be done as per calendar that is: start the day July 29 and end on August 2.

Obviously the organization of the event is sensitive to the cause and is in constant contact with the authorities regarding Covid-19. If new unexpected events arise, they will come communicated promptly to everyone.

And in the pits? What is going on?

As we have all noticed, there are several temporary closings all over Italy. During this period, the vast majority of students had the opportunity to freeze subscriptions without going too far economically.

In other cases, however, we have seen many solidarity demonstrations of people to their pits, giving up freezing to help owners not lose money.

Action worthy of all our respect and esteem!

We often talk about small businesses and freelancers to whom forced closure has provided major damage on its own level and on the economic balance of the entire sector. A gesture like "let it go" (because we are still sportsmen!) the subscription ensures that the re-opening does not postpone the renewals and, consequently, revenue for the owners. A real breath of relief.

In their own small way, the coaches have tried to stay close to their pupils: they see each other every day count workout to do at home, complete with video lessons e complete assistance through the screen.

Unfortunately, despite continuous recommendations, there are still many wods that include running out. The law decree says of limit travel to a minimum, at least for the next 15 days. It does not matter if "Nobody passes us in the street" or "I always respect the safety distance in the park", let's all be responsible then!

We know that they are extreme measures but it is for common well-being. If each of us thinks "I am not so sick" o "No one is there" we will all be on the street and nothing will be eradicated! We must unite against Covid-19.

They are sacrifices that are made for the good of our society ...We want you to train, but as we have said a thousand times, in total safety !!!

Photo box credit: Luca Gugnani
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