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5 + 1 exercises you need to train to be ready for Open 2022

Missing less and lessstart of the Open 2022 and if you want to do better than last time, there are a few things you need to know in advance.

Here is a list of exercises and tips to train to be ready for Open 2022.

The boxrox guys did a thorough search of all workouts released in the last 5 years (including 2021) to find out which skills appear most often and defined the following:

Endurance training: preparation for the 2022 Open

Let's face it, most of the workouts are "For Time". Not only do you have to race against the clock, but you will also have to take smart breaks between sets.

Se you improve your stamina, you will do the splits of the rep in bigger blocks, which could result in being faster in the end.

How exactly to increase your stamina? One of the best ways is to add running workouts to your normal training routine.

A workout suggested by endurance coach Chris Hinshaw is:

3 rounds: 500m fast running, 200m jogging, 100m sprinting (no breaks between them)

5 minutes of rest between sets

The skills to train certainly for the Open 2022

Double Under

This skill has been released in the following past Open:

Every year, in the last 5 Open, there have been double under involved. All you need is a jump rope and proper technique.

You can do this almost anywhere and anytime, so it's no wonder this exercise is in the upcoming Open 2022.


This skill has been released in the following past Open:

You either love them or hate them, but they are incredibly effective for testing the stamina of an athlete with few skills involved.

However, at the Open, i burpees - usually - they come with some sort of variant; bar-facing burpees are the most common, although we saw the jump-over burpee box in 2021.

Either way, training burpees will ensure you become a better athlete for next year's Open.


This skill has been released in the following past Open:

Also thrusters are one of the favorite exercises of CrossFit®! They appeared every year in some variations: usually with dumbbells, but sometimes with the barbell.

Barbell Complex

It would be impossible to judge the fitness of athletes without performing a barbell workout with moderate to heavy weights, i.e. barbell complex.

There are numerous types and preparing for just one move would be like winning the lottery. The best thing then would be to try to practice all of them.

Or, you can try this barbell complex below, with clean, front squat and jerk.

If you want to go even further, you can try a barbell exercise focused on the lower body, one on the upper body, and one focused on an Olympic movement of weightlifting.

They could be, for example, deadlift, overhead presses and clean & jerk.

Wall ball

This skill has been released in the following past Open:

Il wall ball does not always appear during the Open, but practicing it will certainly make you a more complete athlete.

It will increase yours force mental, it will strengthen your lower body and increase your endurance. Doesn't that sound like a 3 for 1 kind of deal?

Here's a wod to do:

AMRAP in 7 minutes

5 deadlifts (100kg / 70kg RX) at the start of each minute

The rest of the time Wall ball (20/14 lbs)

The score is the sum of the total number of completed wall balls and deadlifts.

Extra Skill for Open 2022

We have also seen a good deal of exercises that require you to be upside down with your body weight on your arms ...

For this, we encourage you to practice the handstand push-ups or the infamous wall walk, which we saw this year at the Open, but also at the CrossFit® Games.

Another difficult exercise that may appear and that you should do to prepare for Open 2022 is the pistol squats.

Well ... what are you still doing here? Run to train and see you in the garage!


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