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Extra dark chocolate: I eat you!


According to what we read on the web, it seems that the greedy are all foods to avoid, but fortunately this is not true for the chocolate!

Who doesn't like the chocolate? It is enough to name it in any of its versions that you can already taste it in your mouth. Unfortunately, since foods rich in fat and sugar are often enemies of health, feelings of guilt occur as quickly as the desire to bite into a piece.

Extra dark chocolate (in addition to 80% cocoa) contains many precious substances and few calories.

The higher the percentage of cocoa contained in a chocolate bar, the less cup sugar there is. However, there are other important elements such as cocoa butter and antioxidants.

For example: chocolate with 99% cocoa contains only 8 grams of carbohydrates per 100g. It is impossible to eat more than a couple of pieces: one immediately feels satisfied.

Also 100 grams of dark chocolate contain fibers, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, lecithin and other trace elements.

Extra dark chocolate improves circulation, mood and cognitive abilities.

Its ingredients protect the cardiovascular system and capillaries. This results in a better oxygenation of the brain and therefore in a better cognitive performance, as well as in a greater stability of mood.

The right consumption of chocolate also helps normalize i cholesterol levels and improves the metabolism of carbohydrates. In short: it does not make you fat. It even contributes to the reduction of visceral fat.

Great news for athletes who love sweets but want at the same time keeping fit.

Extra dark chocolate regulates the hunger hormone by acting as an appetite suppressant.

It also helps regulate hormone production ghrelin. It has been shown that those who consume a moderate but daily dose of extra-dark chocolate have a fat mass lower than those who abstain from consuming it only to then give in every so often by eating it in excess.

It is believed that this is due to the fact that those who eat chocolate regularly feel more satisfied and avoid others more easily "rips"Below diet.

The exta dark chocolate increases efficiency and endurance during training

Eating chocolate is therefore not recommended, on the contrary: the reserve of nitric oxide increases thanks to this food, and consume it 30-40 grams when you train you get benefits only.

It is important to choose the right chocolate

Read the food label it's always a good habit. The ideal chocolate must not contain additives and be limited to a few natural ingredients: cocoa or cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar, lecithin.

The quantity of ingredients in a product is often not specified, but they are always written in descending order. The correct sequence on the label of the ideal chocolate is therefore: cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar.

Wanting to further reduce calories, if necessary, there are also extra dark chocolate bars sweetened with mannitol.

2019 CHOCOLATE. Available at Accessed 18 March 2019
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