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Find out how Tia-Clair Toomey stretches for the squat

I samples are flexible; not only in their mentality or in their ability to adapt to the tests of the races, they are literally flexible.

Five-time Fittest Woman on Earth®, Tia-Clair Toomey is a living example. You know that to have so many medals it is necessary take care of his physical form very well, always trying to avoid injuries.

We have already told you and told you: part of this prevention is achieved with the warm-up; in fact, Tia Toomey always try to be sufficiently warmed up and agile before each performance!

The greatest crossfitter athlete of all time posted on the his YouTube channel a video showing how he stretches before loading a barbell for a squat session in the box.

See below:

Stretching by Tia Clair Toomey

Toomey's specific goals during the warm up they mainly focus on joint mobility. Tia says having loose ankles, warm hips and knees, and mobility in the lower back are important factors before going on the rack.

Of course, stretching before the warm-up helps Tia Clair Toomey physically, but it's also beneficial to her mindset:

"I feel ... more stable ... more mobile and ... I feel stronger in the bottom position [squat]"

Here are the movements that Tia Clair Toomey performs:

Low Dragon

Tia starts with an exercise called "Low dragon", which is conceived

ntra on ankle loosening and calf stretch in a relaxed forward lunge position.

The goal is to keep the heel attached to the floor and keep the knee forward over the toes. Maintain the position for about two minutes, breathing deeply. The extended back leg should also offer a hip stretch.


The lizard stance uses the same lunge stance as the low dragon, but instead of the ankles and calves, the goal is to open the hips and stretch the hamstrings.

Rather than keeping the knee above the toes, Tia Toomey spreads the knee to the side and brings the elbows to the floor until the knee is aligned with the shoulders.

Not everyone will have the mobility of the Fittest Woman on Earth®, so it's not a problem if you can't get your elbows to the ground, just go as low as possible.

Quadriceps stretch

Sit on your ankles, get up on your knees and hold the

arms back, at heel height, supporting you as you lean back.

This position opens the quadriceps. For anyone who doesn't have the mobility to have both quads bent at the same time, Toomey recommends that you don't force it and try an easier version.

This variant consists of sitting with one leg extended and the other bent, so that the foot is adjacent to the buttock, it is recommended to hold the position for about two minutes per side.


Sitting with your legs spread to the sides, you lean fully forward until your torso is as close to the ground as possible. The stretch is felt primarily in the groin and lower back.

If you don't have enough mobility to get down to your elbows well, Tia Toomey suggests using a medicine ball or foam roller to lean on as this movement should be about relaxing, rather than pushing. pinch (made with three fingers) static.

"Don't force anything because that's when injuries can sometimes occur."

On multiple occasions in the video, Tia Clair Toomey reiterates the importance of breathing throughout the entire stretching routine. She claims that deep breathing allows her body to "respond much better" to stretches.

She believes that devote time every day to the mobility is "The key to longevity ... moving more freely without pain or stiffness ... and allowing you to live a much more fulfilling life."

Tia Clair Toomey will compete at the Rogue Invitational 2021 at Round Rock on October 29-31, 2021 and surely she will be well stretched and ready to compete for the podium, what do you think?

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