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Food on the go: mini guide on what to take with you

Backpacker traveler

The trip - whether for leisure or for work - represents a break from the daily routine and therefore requires careful planning and the adoption of certain good practice that limit the possibility of inconveniences and unforeseen events.

One of the aspects we will focus on in this article is how to feed properly during the trip, without necessarily having to upset our diet, giving in to "junk food" often the only choice available at airports, railway stations, maritime terminals, etc.

Many healthy alternatives to junk food, to be worn on our travels.

Here are some suggestions healthy snacks e complete from a nutritional point of view, which we can comfortably prepare at home and take with us on the way:


Salad is undoubtedly one of the most interesting options because: not it weighs down, is cool and comfortable to carry.

It can also be transformed into a complete and balanced dish by combining different ingredients. The only limit is our imagination!

A good base can be represented by lettuce, rocket or spinach. It can then be enriched with legumes (boiled beans, chickpeas, lentils) which guarantee a good supply of slow-release carbohydrates and vegetable proteins.

Those who want to increase the protein content can also add cheese or diced mozzarella. To complete, a handful of nuts or oil seeds (rich in healthy fats) and a drizzle of cold-pressed EVO oil.


Toast is another viable alternative popular with athletes. The important thing is to choose a product based on wholemeal flours, without sugars, color additives, preservatives and hydrogenated vegetable fats.

To season it we have many possibilities: with avocado and vegetables, with chickpea hummus or with ricotta, spinach and tomatoes. To vary, you can also add organic or free-range eggs, boiled meat, smoked or baked fish.

Nutritional bars

Convenient to carry with you and with a high satiating power. They must be chosen carefully because, especially the more "commercial" ones, they are low in fibre, protein and fat. Furthermore – to be more palatable – they contain cup sugar or honey and artificial flavors that simulate the flavor of particular foods.

The ideal is to choose nutritional bars with a good fiber content (above 5%), sweetened with nuts or berries, and made up of oil seeds (chia, flax, sesame), rich in healthy fatty acids. You can always opt to make yours protein bars directly at home.

Vegetable chips

We are obviously not referring to the classic French fries, but to healthy alternatives cooked in the oven or dehydrated with a dryer.

These chips can be based on vegetables such as carrots, zucchini, Jerusalem artichokes and can even be prepared with fruit.

The ones listed above are just some of the many options to consider before traveling.

What matters is that the next time we leave we will no longer have to give up the pleasure of a healthy and balanced meal, even when it comes to dealing with long journeys.

TOROKHTIY OU, 2018 "FOOD FOR TRAVELING" "Accessed 01 April 2019
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