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Gloria Bertolio: the RX winner of the Torino Challenge 2019 speaks

La Torino Challenge 2019 for us at CrossMag (and for you readers) it's not over yet. We are happy that you are following our articles dedicated to the competition because behind this race there are so many exceptional stories. For the category RX Women we interviewed the winner Gloria Bertolio, 28 years, of CrossFit Lago Maggiore.

It is the first classified with a few points away from Chiara Rota: hers is a victory that has been played to the end. Gloria never arrived in any of the five events under the second position. In a word: crazy.

Gloria, let's start with something that seems to have nothing to do with it but has to do with it. I've seen a lot of photos and videos where you smile. It is not for everyone.
I am a generally cheerful person. Where I work I am always in a good mood, but when I am competing that optimism becomes concentration.

Is it useful in the race?
Fundamental, because I was born anxious, there was no competition in which I did not cry. I suffered the competition, suffered and despaired continuously. With time, a bit of maturity and with my coach Manuel Stanges we worked on this aspect, gaining in terms of performance.

When did you start?
Consider that shortly after I started doing CrossFit about four years ago, I already started competitive training with Manuel. He saw in me a person who would never stop at training alone, if I don't vent in the race I go crazy.

How does Manuel work with you?
We do a lot Metcon, mixing breathing exercises. We work less on loads and a lot more on the bar. We deepen the method of working under stress, leaving the ceilings in the background. In short, he is forming an athlete with a lot of endurance.

How much do you train?
I work three hours a day, five days a week. One day I swim and another I do nothing, I rest!

Swimming is an active rest very common among you athletes.
«It's a double-edged sword, because if you swim very well it helps the recovery, otherwise it may not help the joints if they are already very worn. I, with a past as a volleyball player, I've always had inflammation in my shoulders, so I have to be very careful about the effort I put in water, because in the tub you are less aware of how your body actually feels."

What do you do in life today?
I work in the garage and have two or three smaller chores to round up. The truth is that I'm very soft (laughs) I'll give you an example of a day, that of Tuesday which is the most intense. I wake up at 6 and go to work then I train. At half past six in the evening I start work again and finish late at night. Fortunately, I love it, so it doesn't weigh on me. In the role of a patient person is my husband Matteo, with whom I have been married for seven years.

I imagine you are very satisfied with the performance in the race.
«A lot, even if I had some critical moments. Many have suffered the handstand due to the ground temperature. Here, we women did this workout with a milder temperature, but we felt the weight of the hollows on the competition field a lot. When training outdoors, it's part of the game. For the rest, I felt very comfortable, with some more difficulties in the first and third workouts ».

To keep up with you, Chiara Rota has always been behind or in front of you.
«In fact I do something that no coach wants done, look at the opponents to see where they are. In reality, if the position allows it, looking at those who are in line with your rhythms helps you to understand how much you can use your strength, since then you always have other workouts to do. If you see that you are before, you can try to slow down a second and "keep" for the next moments of the competition. It is not said, but often it is done like this ».

How did you handle the hellish WOD 5?
For you women it was no longer a surprise, but we certainly did not know repetitions and small variations.
I was very scared, but I thought about the only important thing, to do the cleanest movements possible even if I was tired, because even if it is the last effort, in reality it is the one where with more technical movements you perform better, trying to recover without breaking. repetitions ".

What is your training?
“I went to high school and then I didn't feel like making my parents spend money on college. I wanted to be a physics researcher, but I know how difficult it is to do it in Italy ».

Upcoming commitments?
"You will find me on the East Coast in Trieste (we will also be at CrossMag), I am working for the Belgium Throwdown team, we are in doubt for the Battle of Milan, at Falls Series and I'd like to return to Germany for a few races ».

What did you find there?
«A welcome that is unparalleled without offense to Italy, just like the people Wodapalooza of Miami. Maybe and I hope I'm wrong, I have the feeling that here we observe sport with the idea of ​​looking at two things: the famous and the phenomena. In Germany I found hundreds of completely unknown people cheering for me at every corner of the race, even in difficult moments. Because? I do not know. But we athletes, especially in CrossFit, we work hard for this, to have the support and cheering of people, even if you are nobody. On this I believe that as “users” of sport and CrossFit in Italy we still have a lot to learn ».

And we who love CrossFit have a lot to learn from you, Gloria.

The photo has been kindly given to us by IndJa Photographer. 


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