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Glutamine: what it is for, doses and contraindications

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid, which is synthesized by our body. It is present in abundance in our body, in plasma and muscle tissues. For this reason it is so important for many metabolic processes, including the summary of protein.

However, even if it is produced in large quantities naturally, when the body goes through conditions of hypermetabolism - after intense training or restricted diets -, the synthesis of the amino acid is not sufficient to satisfy the body's demand.

In this case, problems such as slow endogenous production and weakening of the immune system can occur. Let's see in detail what glutamine is, what it is used for and what are its benefits and contraindications:


Glutamine is mainly absorbed in the small intestine. This is why the amino acid becomes essential for maintaining intestinal health and can be used as an alternative to glucose as an energy source.

Glutamine ensures the necessary substrates for the proliferation of intestinal cells, ensures the absorption of nutrients, prevents damage to the intestine and normalizes the permeability of the organs.

Another extremely important function of glutamine is its role as a fuel for immune cells. In other words, the amino acid is essential for the body's defense against diseases and infections.


For practitioners of physical activities, making use of glutamine supplements helps in rapid recovery of muscles, contributes to muscle mass gain and fat loss, reduces oxidative stress and the risk of injury.



The amount of glutamine needed varies from person to person. Therefore, it is essential consult a nutritionist before you start consuming the supplement, so that the practitioner can indicate whether or not your body is producing the appropriate amount for your routine.

In general terms, are indicated by 0,1 to 0,3 grams of glutamine for each kilogram of weight fat-free. The suggestion is to consume it along with protein sources such as BCAA e whey protein.


A very common concern among athletes and people on a weight loss diet is that taking glutamine supplements can make you fat.

The answer to the question is simple: glutamine does not make you fat. This is just a myth that some people gain weight after starting to consume the supplement.

However, the weight gain is due to the increase in lean mass, which is heavier than fat. It is important to distinguish between weight gain caused by increased lean mass and increased body fat.


While it provides a number of benefits for the body, glutamine should not be consumed in excess.

Very high doses of this supplement can decrease the absorption of nutrients in the kidneys and liver, as well as cause discomfort such as constipation and flatulence.


Glutamine is contraindicated for those with kidney and liver problems and for people with diabetes.

These individuals should avoid ingesting it, as the metabolization of this amino acid occurs differently due to these pathologies.

In these cases, the integration must be carried out only on medical indication.

The most important recommendation is, regardless of the situation, consult a nutritionist.

This professional will be ready to evaluate each case individually and define the need for glutamine supplementation, as well as its dosage.


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