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Pubalgia: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

The pubis is an area of ​​the hip between the stomach and the thigh; it is located where the abdomen ends and where the legs begin. The pubic area has five muscles that work together to move the leg:

Il pubic pain, or groin pain, is referred to as any discomfort in this area; pain in general derives from a accident caused by physical activity.

Pubalgia: the causes 

There are some potential causes of groin pain that may be common or less common:


The most common symptoms of groin pain are:

La symptomatology of groin pain is stronger upon awakening and at the beginning of physical activity, as the muscles heat up during training and counteract the painful sensation.


If you start at experience intense and constant pain in the pubic area, the first thing to do is to contact your doctor, who will evaluate your symptoms and ask about recent physical activities.

You can then have the patient perform some tests:

Treatment for groin pain

Treatment for groin pain will depend on the underlying cause; Small tears can be treated at home, but more severe groin pain may require medical treatment.

If the groin pain is caused by excessive exertion, home treatment with rest and abstaining from physical activity, probably, it is the best option.

Pain-relieving medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be taken to ease the pain; also the application of compresses ice it can be useful.

If the cause of groin pain is a severe inguinal fracture or hernia, surgery may be required.


There are some precautions that can be applied to avoid groin pain:

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