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Ground to Overhead: all the secrets

The Ground to Overhead exercise is a powerful skill that embodies versatility and effectiveness in fitness. This single activity it involves various muscle groups and improves force, power and coordination, making it an essential addition to your training schedule.

Today we'll delve deeper into this exercise, clarifying everything you need to know, from basic techniques to key benefits!

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What is Ground to Overhead (GTO)?

The Ground to Overhead exercise, which literally means “from the ground to above the head“, is a compound movement that begins with the lifting of a weight from the ground to full extension overhead in one smooth motion.

It is an exercise that can be performed with different tools such as barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells or even plates, making it extremely versatile and adaptable to any fitness level.

Benefits of Ground to Overhead

  1. Improved Overall Strength: Engaging numerous muscle groups from the beginning to the end of the movement, this exercise offers a full body workout.
  2. Increase in Power: The explosive nature of the movement helps develop power, especially useful in various sports and daily activities.
  3. Increased Coordination and Balance: Correct execution requires excellent coordination between the upper and lower body, as well as good balance.
  4. Improved Mobility: The broad range of movement involved helps improve flexibility and general mobility.
  5. Metabolic Efficiency: Being a compound exercise, it contributes significantly to calorie expenditure, supporting weight loss and toning.

How to Perform the Exercise Correctly

  1. Initial Positioning: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, placing your weight between your feet.
  2. Lifting Phase: Bending your knees, grasp the weight with both hands. Keep your back straight and lift the weight up to your chest, fully extending your legs.
  3. Push phase: From the chest curl position, push the weight overhead while fully extending your arms. Make sure to keep your core engaged to protect your back.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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Incorporation into Your Training

The Ground to Overhead exercise can be integrated into various types of training, both as part of high-intensity circuits and in dedicated strength routines.

It is advisable start with 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions, depending on your fitness level and goals.


The GTO represents a Excellent tool for improving strength, power, coordination and mobility. With the right technique and thoughtful integration into your workout regimen, it can provide significant benefits to your entire body.

Remember to proceed with caution, gradually increasing weight and paying attention to form to maximize results and minimize the risk of injury. With dedication and commitment, this exercise will become a pillar on your path to optimal fitness.

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