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8 healthy drinks and foods for weight loss

Before making a list of the best drinks and healthy foods to include in the diet for weight loss, it is good to ask yourself an important question: that what are macronutrients?

Macronutrients, or macros, are the building blocks of our diet; carbohydrates, protein and fats are the bases that give us energy and each of them has a different but fundamental role.

Macros: carbohydrates, proteins and fats


Carbohydrates provide energy for high intensity activities as well they are divided into simple carbohydrates, starch complexes and fibrous complexes.

Lo cup sugar table carbohydrate is a simple carbohydrate and should be avoided, while complex carbohydrates that we can find in fruit, vegetables, wholemeal products, cereals and rice should be preferred.


Proteins are a group of amino acids useful for building and maintaining muscle; they also help the recovery muscle, tissue repair and support the immune system.

Le protein they are divided into three categories: essential, semi-essential and non-essential; among the best food sources of protein we have: eggs, meat, fish, nuts and dairy products.


We can distinguish between saturated, unsaturated and trans fats; the latter of which junk foods are rich should be absolutely avoided, while healthy fats bring many benefits.

8 healthy drinks and foods to include in your diet


Le apples are high in fiber soluble, lower the levels of cholesterol and blood glucose and are an excellent source of vitamin C, which promotes the well-being of blood vessels, stimulates the immune system and promotes the absorption of iron.


Almonds contain fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron, football and Vitamin E; they are rich in good monounsaturated fats and help fight hypercholesterolemia.


I broccoli I'm a'excellent source of folic acid, phytonutrients, vitamins A and C.


Like other yellow-orange foods, carrots are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is converted by the body into Vitamin A; they have very few calories and zero fat and help protect the skin from UV rays.

Chia seeds

I Chia seeds are the main plant source of acids omega 3 fats, are rich in high quality proteins, fibers and minerals such as manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper and selenium.

Blueberry juice

Excellent source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, Cranberry juice has bladder and urinary tract protective properties and helps promote normal digestive function.

Red beans

They are rich in iron, phosphorus, potassium, phytonutrients e they are an excellent source of protein and vegetable fiber.


Il salmon è rich in omega 3 fatty acids, precious for fighting and preventing cardiovascular diseases, but also of high quality protein and contains very little saturated fat.

Green tea

It's rich in antioxidants and is a highly diuretic drink; it also contains the caffeine, which can promote weight loss and boost energy levels.


It is a precious cereal for the body; contains fiber, vitamins and proteins, as well as phosphorus, potassium and football. It is easily digestible, is suitable for fighting constipation and a lazy intestine and has energizing effects on the body.

And you, what are you waiting for to include these super foods in your diets? We look forward to seeing you in the comments and also remember to follow us on our telegram channel





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