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How to make your run less boring

Long-distance racing has a reputation for being boring. According to some research, when it comes to distances greater than 5 km, people say "listless”To run for so long.

The longer the race, the greater the sense of accomplishment and pride in having reached the finish line. Long distances are very useful, as they train the physical and mental endurance.

Other known benefits are increased oxygenation to the muscles andincreased energy as you train then you will be able to run longer before getting tired.

Given the countless benefits of long-distance running, we've created a guide to make it less boring and more inviting!

What do you think you try?

Create a perfect playlist

Listening to music while exercising can improve your performance of over 15%.

Choosing the right songs for your run will make it more enjoyable, as well as help you keep a steady pace and distract you from time / distance.

To get started, try choosing songs with an average of bpm between 120 and 160 and see how they adapt to your pace. Create a playlist with your favorite songs, the ones that really motivate you, that cheer you up when you're tired!

For long, slow distances, you can turn the volume down a bit and choose slower songs or even listen to a podcast.

Find the ideal route

Try searching for some ideal routes nearby. A nice landscape or a nice neighborhood will automatically make jogging more enjoyable.

If you don't know where to start, talk to other local runners or groups of runners in your neighborhood to find out what their favorite spots are.

Look for a course that has some variety, so that you have different things to watch as you run. It can be interesting to set a goal, a point to arrive at and then go back; on the way back, try a different route!

Turn your ride into quality time

Running at a comfortable pace means being able to hold a conversation while running. Is there a better excuse to invite someone you like to take the path together?

As our lives have become more and more hectic, this is a good opportunity to spend some quality time with a friend, family member, your partner, or anyone else.

Working out with another person usually makes you travel longer distances and get better results than when you are alone. It also makes you feel safer when running in the evening or in distant places.

Mix running with workout

When you start to travel longer distances or if you don't want to travel the whole distance at once, you can fragment it.

Try a WOD when you're halfway there - you can choose from several short workouts. This will make the distance less scary, take your mind off the repetition of running for a longer time, as well as vary your workout and burn a few more calories. There are many other benefits of combining running with a workout.

The important thing is to find the perfect match for you. Don't fall into a boring routine. Find out which aspects of running really suit you and make sure you always make them yours over longer distances.

Running is meant to be enjoyable – it doesn't have to be for force a burden!

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