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HWPO programming: the report of an amateur crossfitter

Without detracting from the beauty of the CrossFit® community and group training that is always a pleasure, planning is motivating and gives you the right boost.

In my opinion, there comes a time in the life of some crossfitters when classes aren't enough anymore, when you want something more complete, complex, structured.

A moment of introspective training, alone, no longer challenging others but yourself, your tenacity, your limits.

Why HWPO programming?

With my CrossFit® sister Francesca we had already bought some e-books and tried a few weeks of competitor programming but there was always something that made us decide not to subscribe.

Then, one day, we stumbled upon the HWPO project by the legendary Matthew Fraser and it was love & hate from the start.  Yes, just so I HATE ... .. of the beautiful one though, which makes you end the day in the devastated garage but with a big smile on your face.

The first weeks of work were, in fact, very heavy since the programming is very long, involves a great expenditure of energy, not only physical but also mental, and requires great endurance.

Furthermore, it seemed to have ended up in a loop in which the days were repeated almost the same, especially in the part of weight lifting and working with the ergometer, in particular the row, practically omnipresent.

But… .. if you hold on tight then a world opens up before you.

Inside HWPO programming

TheHybrid Strength Coach application is simple, linear, clean. Black, without too many frills, in one word: essential.

Inside you have access to a part dedicated to your account, an excercize library complete with a video illustrating the correct performance of each exercise.

Furthermore, you have the possibility to save your workouts in the "view workout history" and "personal records".
Scrolling sideways you then enter the actual programming.

To date my personal arrives on day 217. At any time you decide to subscribe, you will always start from day 1. This is because the structure of the programming is such that the first few weeks are essential to prepare us to face the following ones.

In fact, the wods progressively increase in intensity, level and duration and the skills required are many more.
The preview of each day shows the number of " "Provided.

Then entering the "days”Chosen you have access to a video of the great Fraser explaining all the training planned for that day. The video is very detailed and long!

I suggest you watch it the day before training in order to have everything clear before arriving at the box.

The only flaw is that theapp is developed entirely in English and there is no possibility of having at least subtitles. Despite this, it is quite easy to understand, thanks largely to the help of images and universal CrossFit® terminology.

Watching the videos makes you understand how much effort, passion and dedication Fraser has put into this project and gives you the enthusiasm you need to face the training session.

Structure of HWPO programming

The cycle is that CrossFit® standard with 3 days of work, 1 active rest, 2 additional days of work and 1 day total rest.


It typically consists of a mini wod structured for ergometer rounds and other preparatory exercises at work of the day.

For each of the exercises, by clicking on it, a short video is available, which Fraser himself or other coaches show the correct development.


Are provided 2 or more parts of weight lifting  eg back squats, front squats, power clean or even snatch, split jerk etc.

The number of series and rep is indicated for each block; we do not indicate the weights to use but we work with the percentages of our ceilings.

Example: back squat 4 sets / 10rep / 57%

Personally, thanks to this type of work I have increased my loads.

Often, but not always, weightlifting is followed by an ergometer or running intervals

The WODs

Whether it be metcon for time, amrap o emom, Fraser certainly does not let us rest or save in his workouts.

We go from EMOM from 40 exhausting minutes to short 5-minute AMRAPs, every day the variety in the type of work and in the exercises chosen is really interesting.

In short, you certainly do not get bored.

Any substitutions or scalings and the expected weights for men / women are indicated.


After the wod here is the whole battery of accessory exercises. Generally these are 3/4 weight lifting exercises with repetitions long 4 × 10 but also 4 x 20 to be carried out in concentration.

Quality and quantity.


Not foreseen on each day is the mini wod dedicated to core. Structured for round or emom or amrap. Generally it is required to be done in a slow and controlled manner.


When you think you are done, a new challenge is ready to face, perhaps in a second training session during the day.

It can be an EMOM of burpees, TABATA of bike or 60 minutes of running or swimming or even 50 minutes of rowing… .. who knows!

But that's not all …… they have been available on HWPO programming since January the OPEN PREP and the COMP prep.

Two additional programs that are shorter in daily duration but more specific to prepare for the upcoming CrossFit® Open!

Speaking of which .... good Open to all!

Rossella Mereu, Doctor of Obstetric Sciences, Midwife delivery room, Crossfit-OL1 Trainer, Personal Trainer FIF, specialized in training for women.
Instagram: RoxFit
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